View Full Version : Theme Port Request

July 29th, 2022, 04:28 PM
Hey you all. I have a humble request. If anyone can port the Ades theme for latest version of windows 10, it would be great. I tried a lot but ended with some error. As creator of this theme is no longer updating it and stopped support so I'm requesting. So, please port this theme and if possible with rounded corner. Though Monika is porting a lot of dark themes, this one is light theme. Hope Monika also port this too.

July 30th, 2022, 12:57 AM
hi ok this ades theme can be ported upgraded to the latest windows 10 only if you selected the th2 or lower version then you have to update port it but if you select the 1607 version you have to delete the old shell folder and use a new shell folder and for the 1703 1709 theme version simply replace the shell folder anyway if you need this porting upgrading for the latest version of windows 10 i can help only if the designer of the theme has granted permission

July 30th, 2022, 01:58 AM
Thanks for your reply. Please refer to this https://www.deviantart.com/unisira/art/Ades-Theme-for-Windows-10-600210043
As the creator itself stopped support and said it won't be updated anymore years ago. I try to contact Unisira and drops many messages asking for porting this theme. But Unisira is not active and the last update was made 4 years ago. After that Unisira is never seen on Deviantart and no more active. I tried many times to contact her but she is no more active for a while. And I like this theme so much that I'm using it since 2015 and tried every theme for Windows 10 available either on virtualcustoms or deviantart but this theme is something different. Its so eye pleasing that even after spending 11 hours on my laptop, it wont stress my eye. Though the Dark themes are now popular but I was addicted to this. A kind creator Dcpdcp on deviantart helps me and ported it to 1809 but thats not working anymore and maximize, restore and close buttons are of same color as the title bar and even the taskbar text have the same color and are not visible. Since the creator is no more active for a while and she officially stopped support for this, there wont be any issue porting this.

July 30th, 2022, 03:06 AM
hi ok if you want i will port the th2 version for you and make it work on latest w10 and if you want anything changing i will do it if so i will send a link via pm with the download link if no use the 1703 version from the download link and copy to resources folder and then use an updated shell folder and it should work

July 30th, 2022, 10:47 AM
It will be enough if it is just ported to latest Win10 version. But If you have time I have a just little request. Make the Navigation button (Backward-Forward) and Close-restore-minimize button similar to mac like the below image. It will be great.92058

August 5th, 2022, 02:01 PM
hi ok sorry about the wait ive updated those things you said i just gotta fix the wallpaper for the ades theme

August 5th, 2022, 03:19 PM
No problem, editing theme is time consuming. I understand and thank you for for doing this. Just curious and waiting when you upload the theme. Thanks again $$$

August 7th, 2022, 12:53 PM
hi ok i just got to fix the context menus also i will add more wallpapers i will send theme link via pm either later today or whenever i get some free time

August 9th, 2022, 05:02 PM
hi ok im ready to send the theme over i will send via pm