View Full Version : Menu's

October 18th, 2022, 10:54 PM
Anyone know why the menu's are so fricken huge in Firefox??? Its the same in Windows 10 LTSC 21H2 as well.


October 19th, 2022, 04:20 AM
Is this default Firefox theme? And does it happen with other Windows custom themes? Looks like you use a custom Windows theme, and there's a small chance it got affected by Windows custom theme. I use a custom Firefox theme on Windows 10 19043.3130 and the menu looks as expected (similar to Windows custom theme).

Usually, I saw similar error in menu layout/size like you showed, and it could be one of those, list below:

Some error occured with a custom Firefox theme (not plain image theme). Needs to reset and install the custom theme again. (Usually related to file named userchrome.css/usercontent.css) in FF profile folder.
Some error/incorrect parameters in Windows custom theme itself (Context Menu part in WSB, Firefox interprets size margin differently than WSB, also build menu in a different way than WSB). Sometimes happen when you are editing some custom theme and constantly testing it. Need to apply default theme or try apply another custom theme.
Some new change of Windows version itself (like update to new version). I personally haven't seen Firefox menu error cause by this myself in default Firefox theme. I haven't tried Win11 yet but previous versions.

Custom FF theme on custom Win10 theme:

October 19th, 2022, 11:52 PM
I have a light theme, and a dark theme based on the same images (mostly). The light theme displays the correct images for the menus. Ive gone back through them to see if any image sizes differ from one another. I found a few, but nothing made a difference. Changing the firefox theme does nothing. I will just have to investigate further to see if there was an image missed.

October 20th, 2022, 12:11 AM
Okay, after some investigation, I found the culprit. I tried to trick windows by using one image, and 3 transparent images for the pop item in context menu. You have to create 3 images that match your pop up background, and use the 1 image you want for the pop item. So, Normal=pop background color, hot=pop item image, disabled=pop background color, disabled hot= pop background color.



October 20th, 2022, 07:19 AM
Glad you solve the problem. As I test in my system (custom Win theme, default FF theme for today) then it's ok to use PopUpItem image with transparent part. Like in this one, I usually use only Hot and DisbledHot while leave other transparent. This not apply to immersive menu part in WSB though (but since Firefox read from normal Context Menu part then it's ok).