View Full Version : HELP - Sorry but i really dont get it.. how do you mod themes for win11????

March 5th, 2023, 07:58 AM
gotta be at well over 70 webpages now and still not much makes sense...

All i want is to mod a Niivu theme (Night) cause theres some elements of it that makes no sense, like the hard white context menu, all my emails text black on black, baby blue firefox popups, weird green ok buttons, etc...

found a WSB v1.5.6.3 doesnt seems to open it properly... in fact theres probably 15 elements changes max i wanna keep and leave all the rest untouched for better stability...

isnt there a way to open something text-based and just delete unwanted entries and modify some RGB codes??... or if not whats the process??...

might not supposed to be done with WSB in not even sure of that...

Alternatively, anybody fluent on that stuff wanna do it for like 10$ ? ;-)

Im not trying to learn modding and make the most amazing theme ever, already lost over a month on firefox CSS and 2 weeks on potPlayer, i just want windows to not white-flood my room on the projector.



March 6th, 2023, 02:41 AM
gotta be at well over 70 webpages now and still not much makes sense...

All i want is to mod a Niivu theme (Night) cause theres some elements of it that makes no sense, like the hard white context menu, all my emails text black on black, baby blue firefox popups, weird green ok buttons, etc...

found a WSB v1.5.6.3 doesnt seems to open it properly... in fact theres probably 15 elements changes max i wanna keep and leave all the rest untouched for better stability...

isnt there a way to open something text-based and just delete unwanted entries and modify some RGB codes??... or if not whats the process??...

might not supposed to be done with WSB in not even sure of that...

Alternatively, anybody fluent on that stuff wanna do it for like 10$ ? ;-)

Im not trying to learn modding and make the most amazing theme ever, already lost over a month on firefox CSS and 2 weeks on potPlayer, i just want windows to not white-flood my room on the projector.


_Have you tried to contact Niivu on DA? Explain what your problem is and he might fix it for you. We really cant modify it for you without consent from Niivu. also there you can only change a few things with WSB on W11 as the defaults are hardcoded and cant be changed. So your best bet is get in Contact with Niivu and make him aware of the Problems.

March 6th, 2023, 08:05 AM
I think you misunderstood what i meant.... ive got some from Niivu's and from other as well... the point is that they all have something that doesnt make any freakin sense somewhere and i doesnt want to mod everything either... Niivu for example gotta have 100s of elements modified and i only want those 15 max, more mods=more problem or potential problems,... i cant just ask him to remove 85-150 of the stuff he did and dont need and to modify 3, lol... i just better input these 15 ;-).... problem is that i still got zero idea how to do it... what i want anyway is pretty much a dark background change, #RGB at 7-8 places in windows, the Tixati background too and the min-max-close windows corner icon, thats it and thats all... so, if someone can point me out on how to do that concretely would be great or if someone wanna do it for some small $ im fine with that too, if you know your way around that must be a 10minutes thing top, i can send screenshots with arrow, change there, there, there, there, thats it!!!

March 7th, 2023, 02:57 PM
For what you want to do, the WSB forum has all the information (I got all the help on this forum)

VistaStyleBuilder - Index (https://www.vistastylebuilder.com/forum/)

I'm also having some issues with WSB closing itself and W11 themes, but I'm getting there

March 7th, 2023, 06:21 PM
I am unable to run any custom style from WSB. All I want to do is make the date time white text, red.
https://virtualcustoms.net/image/png;base64,iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAE0AAAAsCAIAAACvw6IYAAAAAXNSR0IArs4c6QAAAARnQU1BAACxjwv8YQUAAAAJcEhZcwAADsMAAA7DAcdvqGQAAAASdEVYdFNvZnR3YXJlAEdyZWVuc2hvdF5VCAUAAAJfSURBVGhD7ZgxbsJAEEXpk1RcgitwEk7ACbgAl AS3IIayRWiokCioqShTV78na/R7kIqb6JknxCaGX92/9hre8Xk5fXtP3xan3/r82/6bDQajcbvZL1e32632Ww25F/s9/v3nu12O5QeiEkpSny/3xeLhYsMIo1hNGsqMZ1OT6fT8Xi8XC6JdXysVisC6tfrlfSJ2Bpi2kCGWMXz RxbokjztfsUzG3rXC651CEgPhwOthXFhtR9OlbQdV2yHDhTFlclWs/7jEfzVJA 6pNFYb1OGZWf7zOHGyxekKKY1NaTdUuRETh9HCKmz/l8/rv6xCuOY5NQFJP6OeSnFN/qR 0xmhp2Xb tBxPbutctxNvSRLEpWndRQ202G3VbFNcgWnefBPkrAaLYFK3HIqNxqbU0iuIaFK3jSetQePUWxUXrsciJ48GrXxXFjUaj0Wg0GrVhg8L TnsdNmVDtUc7vmQ/5N25BQR866h3S9rfxUqieTLvKGB6uVwSsP9iF Ye8JFv37Fo3xZA8ocDgbaErhQ1xXlHh5nifpXpd7udYvGtwJ37OkM8NZCfvmTY0YnmAHPJciKNjnOBHX929qVMhs27SgQjgidukudukuuQC4AR1F7fZrlPa4AgmbcGGPK/b8R2I5JVmgg4C/EPBwLH7jPRmDhvJTDErPktBPjjkOJEkOvdG/Qtb4tjGs07JCPBQ0/Lj28/Gx89YJQmgtiVQKBHqMfMNfm8qo8FE7Bs tfY8B6Ll05gJd6NiYBUPxekFBEo9ZhKBWk b1Vopus6LuCQZ3wraDQajcbfZDL5ANEcMZx FXCDAAAAAElFTkSuQmCC

red in windows 11

March 7th, 2023, 08:04 PM
I am unable to run any custom style from WSB. All I want to do is make the date time white text, red.
https://virtualcustoms.net/image/png;base64,iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAE0AAAAsCAIAAACvw6IYAAAAAXNSR0IArs4c6QAAAARnQU1BAACxjwv8YQUAAAAJcEhZcwAADsMAAA7DAcdvqGQAAAASdEVYdFNvZnR3YXJlAEdyZWVuc2hvdF5VCAUAAAJfSURBVGhD7ZgxbsJAEEXpk1RcgitwEk7ACbgAl AS3IIayRWiokCioqShTV78na/R7kIqb6JknxCaGX92/9hre8Xk5fXtP3xan3/r82/6bDQajcbvZL1e32632Ww25F/s9/v3nu12O5QeiEkpSny/3xeLhYsMIo1hNGsqMZ1OT6fT8Xi8XC6JdXysVisC6tfrlfSJ2Bpi2kCGWMXz RxbokjztfsUzG3rXC651CEgPhwOthXFhtR9OlbQdV2yHDhTFlclWs/7jEfzVJA 6pNFYb1OGZWf7zOHGyxekKKY1NaTdUuRETh9HCKmz/l8/rv6xCuOY5NQFJP6OeSnFN/qR 0xmhp2Xb tBxPbutctxNvSRLEpWndRQ202G3VbFNcgWnefBPkrAaLYFK3HIqNxqbU0iuIaFK3jSetQePUWxUXrsciJ48GrXxXFjUaj0Wg0GrVhg8L TnsdNmVDtUc7vmQ/5N25BQR866h3S9rfxUqieTLvKGB6uVwSsP9iF Ye8JFv37Fo3xZA8ocDgbaErhQ1xXlHh5nifpXpd7udYvGtwJ37OkM8NZCfvmTY0YnmAHPJciKNjnOBHX929qVMhs27SgQjgidukudukuuQC4AR1F7fZrlPa4AgmbcGGPK/b8R2I5JVmgg4C/EPBwLH7jPRmDhvJTDErPktBPjjkOJEkOvdG/Qtb4tjGs07JCPBQ0/Lj28/Gx89YJQmgtiVQKBHqMfMNfm8qo8FE7Bs tfY8B6Ll05gJd6NiYBUPxekFBEo9ZhKBWk b1Vopus6LuCQZ3wraDQajcbfZDL5ANEcMZx FXCDAAAAAElFTkSuQmCC

red in windows 11

If all you wanna do is mess with the date i highly reccommend T-Clock, you can change a lot more, format, all color, size, position+++

Also it's bound to be more stable and easier than UXpatching...



March 7th, 2023, 08:07 PM
For what you want to do, the WSB forum has all the information

So, vista style builder and WSB (windows style builder) is the same software or...??

i didnt even found a properly working WSB i think... and i have Win11 too by the way, it seems that all thats there is for win 7/8/10... ?


March 8th, 2023, 09:37 AM
It is the same ;)

You tested WSB ?

To make it work, I open WSB, choose the desired .msstyles file then I click on the "Show controls window" option (I close the window of this option)
And I can make my modifications (otherwise WSB closes as soon as I want to save the file)

March 8th, 2023, 01:48 PM
hi m003 if you need any help with your theme just send me the theme via pm and i will help you out

March 9th, 2023, 03:33 AM
hi m003 if you need any help with your theme just send me the theme via pm and i will help you out

Hey!!!... thx... just PMed you...


August 31st, 2023, 11:43 PM
For what you want to do, the WSB forum has all the information (I got all the help on this forum)

VistaStyleBuilder - Index (https://www.vistastylebuilder.com/forum/)

I'm also having some issues with WSB closing itself and W11 themes, but I'm getting there

Did you manage to figure it out?

WSB was working for me for a bit but then started crashing when pressing test, tried a reinstall of Windows and same issue. I tried deleting the Style Hacks and could test a theme only once.

September 1st, 2023, 07:59 AM
Did you manage to figure it out?

WSB was working for me for a bit but then started crashing when pressing test, tried a reinstall of Windows and same issue. I tried deleting the Style Hacks and could test a theme only once.

I also have problems sometimes, I don't know how I managed to solve this problem anymore.
Maybe by deleting the files in VSCache

September 2nd, 2023, 02:21 AM
I also have problems sometimes, I don't know how I managed to solve this problem anymore.
Maybe by deleting the files in VSCacheHi Guys, OK Try this. Open your theme with WSB and then save it before doing anything to it and don't test it yet, then close WSB and then re open it again. Now Test it and if it works you should be able to start working on it normally just make a copy for a backup first just in case it crashes again but it should work fine.
:peace:Hope this Helps, Cheerz!!

September 5th, 2023, 07:57 PM
Hi Guys, OK Try this. Open your theme with WSB and then save it before doing anything to it and don't test it yet, then close WSB and then re open it again. Now Test it and if it works you should be able to start working on it normally just make a copy for a backup first just in case it crashes again but it should work fine.
:peace:Hope this Helps, Cheerz!!

Thanks Donkuz, I recall this working for me on Windows 10. However I tried on 11 and no luck.

September 6th, 2023, 04:35 AM
hi shemhamforash the wsb test is working fine on w11 have you tried this open wsb then open a w10 theme then modify a few things than save the theme dont apply the theme close wsb then open wsb again and try test again

September 7th, 2023, 01:00 AM
Sometimes WSB becames crazy on W11. I use to close my VM, delete temporary files, and run again the VM: Then, WSB works normally again.

September 7th, 2023, 07:06 PM
I also have problems sometimes, I don't know how I managed to solve this problem anymore.
Maybe by deleting the files in VSCache

hi shemhamforash the wsb test is working fine on w11 have you tried this open wsb then open a w10 theme then modify a few things than save the theme dont apply the theme close wsb then open wsb again and try test again

Sometimes WSB becames crazy on W11. I use to close my VM, delete temporary files, and run again the VM: Then, WSB works normally again.

Thanks for your replies, but I tried the suggestions with no luck.

Strange considering it was working fine at first. By reinstalling windows and redownloading WSB and the themes I thought that would resolve the issue.

September 7th, 2023, 08:00 PM
Thanks for your replies, but I tried the suggestions with no luck.

Strange considering it was working fine at first. By reinstalling windows and redownloading WSB and the themes I thought that would resolve the issue.Hi Shemhamforash. Just a thought, did you replace the shell file with the updated one for W11 first? Also can you get a theme to work normally on windows thats already been Imported?

September 10th, 2023, 10:58 PM
Hi Shemhamforash. Just a thought, did you replace the shell file with the updated one for W11 first? Also can you get a theme to work normally on windows thats already been Imported?

I downloaded Grim's equinox theme for w11. I could apply it to the system but it crashes wsb, same with the default aero theme

September 11th, 2023, 04:39 AM
hi yeah try this open a theme thats already been ported to w11 and then go to the fonts colors area in wsb change any text color and save dont press apply now go to test if the wsb closes open wsb again the theme should already be loaded then change some more text colors in different areas and then save theme dont press apply now after save go to test and try test again hope this helps

September 11th, 2023, 08:15 PM
I downloaded Grim's equinox theme for w11. I could apply it to the system but it crashes wsb, same with the default aero theme

No way... right now I'm restoring my VM, 'cause WB goes down, again. Only a restore point or new instalation works for me with this problem. Ii's maddeding :anger:

September 12th, 2023, 08:33 PM
hi yeah try this open a theme thats already been ported to w11 and then go to the fonts colors area in wsb change any text color and save dont press apply now go to test if the wsb closes open wsb again the theme should already be loaded then change some more text colors in different areas and then save theme dont press apply now after save go to test and try test again hope this helps

Thank you that solved the issue for me.