View Full Version : About posting ported themes

August 29th, 2023, 02:21 PM
Hi Everyone:

Since I noticed from time ago, and I was warned, about some webs uploading all themes we are posting here, I've decided to stop posting, because I (we) can't guarantee and avoid that, if someone from those webs ask me for a private link-if I choose this way to post ported themes-.

I was working around "Dream Theater", "Borg" and "Mechanism" pack so, if I decided to go on, I offered them fron a private link, and these will be my last ported themes I'll post.




What a pain because of those webs ... :crying:

August 29th, 2023, 08:14 PM
I completely understand and appreciate everything you've done. I've seen the same thing happen your talking about with modified OS's and themes as well with no one giving credit or asking permission. Usually when I see them and I know it someone else's work I let that person know. Unfortunately I only check here and one other OS modder's site for cool stuff's. Again it's much appreciated and hope it doesn't discourage you from doing what you do for yourself :loving:

August 29th, 2023, 11:27 PM
I wouldn't let the reposters deter you from sharing themes you import. Hopefully anyone that buys them kicks themself for not finding the free version.

August 30th, 2023, 03:45 AM
Hi Erin, Yes there are some grubs out there that will upload themes from here and re-post them on other sites and then sell them on or use them as bait for new members to pay for a subscription to gain access to to them. I have since removed all my links to my themes on mega drive and requested that any member that wants them has to get in touch with me for a link so at least I can keep tabs on where they have gone and how many have been downloaded. Unfortunately, this is the world we live in, so don't let it bother you or deter you from doing what you do it is they that are doing the wrong thing not you Sister.
:peace:Peace and Love

August 31st, 2023, 09:59 PM
I completely understand and appreciate everything you've done. I've seen the same thing happen your talking about with modified OS's and themes as well with no one giving credit or asking permission. Usually when I see them and I know it someone else's work I let that person know. Unfortunately I only check here and one other OS modder's site for cool stuff's. Again it's much appreciated and hope it doesn't discourage you from doing what you do for yourself :loving:

Thanks so much chevy350 (https://virtualcustoms.net/member.php/212402-chevy350) :loving:

These websites bother me because they don't mention the designer of the original theme :cunning:

And they take our screenshots wihout more. So lazy ...

Tomorrow I'll be back at my job, so I'll have less time for porting and posting, and I'll have to think of a way to put some kind of obstacle to these websites...

August 31st, 2023, 10:09 PM
I wouldn't let the reposters deter you from sharing themes you import. Hopefully anyone that buys them kicks themself for not finding the free version.

You're right Shemhamforash (https://virtualcustoms.net/member.php/280089-Shemhamforash) :superman:

But I'm feeling the need to do something ... I think I'll put watermarks on the captures, and will include some VC's copyright notice in the files ... if only to bother those websites :evil:

August 31st, 2023, 10:19 PM
Hi Erin, Yes there are some grubs out there that will upload themes from here and re-post them on other sites and then sell them on or use them as bait for new members to pay for a subscription to gain access to to them. I have since removed all my links to my themes on mega drive and requested that any member that wants them has to get in touch with me for a link so at least I can keep tabs on where they have gone and how many have been downloaded. Unfortunately, this is the world we live in, so don't let it bother you or deter you from doing what you do it is they that are doing the wrong thing not you Sister.
:peace:Peace and Love

Thanks a lot Donkuz (https://virtualcustoms.net/member.php/315813-Donkuz) :love:

Private links are a good idea, but I don't think I'll be able to respond to all requests because of my daily work: Just now, I'm posting by night, and steeling time for sleeping :worried:

I have to figure out how ...


A Guy
September 1st, 2023, 05:24 AM
The one thing I can think of would require additional work for you however. Password protect zip/rar/7zip and members would have to PM to get the password. Now a member could of course do so, then post the theme as their own on one of these sites

A Guy

September 2nd, 2023, 01:44 PM
The one thing I can think of would require additional work for you however. Password protect zip/rar/7zip and members would have to PM to get the password. Now a member could of course do so, then post the theme as their own on one of these sites

A Guy

That's a very good idea A Guy (https://virtualcustoms.net/member.php/160364-A-Guy) :superman:

As you say, we can bother those websites as much as we can, but not prevent them to continuing take our work.

I'm going to try every thing ...

Thanks so much!!!