View Full Version : TASKBAR2 ALPHA

June 27th, 2024, 07:45 PM
Taskbar2 is new StartAllBack (partially) recreated taskbar prototype.
It's not a product and is for testing only.
Task buttons:
- Better: ungrouped icons are pixel-perfect if possible
- Different: does not depend on immersive shell / shows faster
- Different: no horizontal 1px padding; no drag&drop to pin to apps
- Better: can be rearranged with drag and drop
- Different: list of windows overflows into multiple columns, not scrolling
- Different: animation, Win7 design, Snap Groups / Window sharing / Toolbar design
Alpha Milestone 1 limitations:
- No multi-monitor taskbars
- No perks (centered, segmented ex.)
- Still totally depends on classic taskbar code
Those to be researched later. Expect major degradations or never shipping at all.
Please stay strictly on topic. Do regression testing (compare with existing classic taskbar)
Functionality checklist
Task icons
Enumeration of existing; adding, removing classic/uwp apps; AppID, title, icon task update reflection
Virtual desktop filter toggling / switching
Enumeration of existing pins; pinning via other UI; pinning via drag & drop; unpinning from other UI, jumplist, if shortcut deleted; policy preventing pinned apps
Reordering by dragging: single / multiple rows
Click to activate/minimize; combined button click shows thumbnails
Ctrl+clicking group or LastActiveClick registry key switches between combined button tasks
Shift+clicking button or middle-clicking launches new app instance; ctrl+shift+clicking group launches elevated app elevated
Right-click, dragout: show jump list
Shift+right-click: window system menu or shortcut context menu
Layout: all combinations
Different icon size / padding / screen DPI / metrics
Vertical / horizontal layout on different screen edges
Multiple horizontal rows: filling each visible row with maximum density
Different visible / total rows: scrolling and scrollbar position
Combined/auto-combined/uncombined behavior
Task list extensibility
Overlay icons + badges on uwp apps: grouped/grouped
Progress bar: paused/error/normal/indeterminate; grouped/ungrouped
Window flashing: depends on caret blinking speed
Custom windows added or removed to list; alternate activation windows (Office < 2013?)
Thumbnails are shown after ExtendedUIHoverTime (default hover time)
Thumbnails are used when there are less than NumThumbnails (16) tasks
Thumbnails are sized according to display aspect ratio no bigger than MaxThumbSizePx (200)
Hover thumbnails should close if any key is pressed
Click to activate window; press-and-move to rearrange
Right-click for system menu
Close with red button or middle-button click
Window tabs (IE? VMWare?): active tab, tab order/switching/thumbnails
Thumbnail toolbars: lot of rarely used behaviors; special media toolbars for UWP apps
Snap groups: activation, closing, group context menu
Window sharing (webex/Teams): not for groups or tabs
Hover for Aero Peek: shows if DisablePreviewWindow(0) is not 0 after ThumbnailLivePreviewHoverTime(250) initial hover
Win+{number}: same as click with one-window button; switch between tasks while help
Alt+Win+{number}: show jumplist
Shift+Win+{number}: launch new apps instance
Win+(Shift)+T, F6/Tab/keyboard arrows/space/enter: navigate between icons and thumbnails
Accessibility: Narrator / automation
Drop file over icon / thumbnail to activate window
Animations: open/close, collapse/expand, hover, launch feedback, added to group, flashing, progress bar, move from icons to thumbnails
Taskbar on virtual desktop switching animation (unfinished)
Fullscreen classic / uwp app behavior
https://msfn.org/board/topic/186208-taskbar2-alpha/ (https://msfn.org/board/topic/186208-taskbar2-alpha/)

June 28th, 2024, 06:24 AM
It works fine, but I went back to 3.7.10, at the moment it overwrites custom themes

Posted on MSFN forum

I customized the size of the thumbnail border (0px)
But it is T2 which sets the settings (my theme is bypassed) and the colors of the cross are changed

T2 : https://msfn.org/board/uploads/monthly_2024_06/T2.PNG.ba912ba08685bbf16d50b566786636ad.PNG (https://msfn.org/board/uploads/monthly_2024_06/T2.PNG.ba912ba08685bbf16d50b566786636ad.PNG) 3.7.10 : https://msfn.org/board/uploads/monthly_2024_06/3.7_10.PNG.abe9d21f9e937d1d7729307a8c542f78.PNG (https://msfn.org/board/uploads/monthly_2024_06/3.7_10.PNG.abe9d21f9e937d1d7729307a8c542f78.PNG)

Another "problem" I found with the theme is about the progress bar (W11 24h2), T2 changes the color compared to the custom theme

24h2 without SAB : https://msfn.org/board/uploads/monthly_2024_06/SAB2.PNG.cfa5d2aa8fb1eb974462b859d779f702.PNG (https://msfn.org/board/uploads/monthly_2024_06/SAB2.PNG.cfa5d2aa8fb1eb974462b859d779f702.PNG)

24h2 with SAB : https://msfn.org/board/uploads/monthly_2024_06/SAB.PNG.d8a13368b51a23dbc23a5f7f064fa003.PNG (https://msfn.org/board/uploads/monthly_2024_06/SAB.PNG.d8a13368b51a23dbc23a5f7f064fa003.PNG)

June 28th, 2024, 07:54 AM
Windows 11 24h2 is different from other versions
rather, it is starting to resemble the upcoming Windows 12
it actually forms the basis for windows 12 and has the same 24h2 designation
I cannot publish more photos and information
I like Windows 10 themes, that's why I personally don't use the StartAllBack application
I still use the StartIsBack application
I changed it to my liking, put all OldNewExplorer files in it with StartIsBack transparency, allow all theme extras .etc
so it is compatible with ExplorerPatcher
StartAllBack have many issues with date and time, taskbars .etc
StartIsBack with ExplorerPatcher, these two apps work like a miracle and no need to update StartIsBack
since the themes are ported from Windows 10, the StartIsBack v2.9.20 application is flawless without any upgrade for 10years

June 28th, 2024, 08:10 AM
Same problem with 22h2 / 23h2 and thumbnails ;)

I have no problems with the theme and SAB, apart from those indicated with SAB T2
And my little theme is based on Windows 11 :)

I always use ONE (for the "use classical drive grouping" option, no one has managed to integrate it into the file to have it permanently)
And also to have Detail Pane at the bottom, the option in SAB does not work with a custom theme
I could always integrate this "option" into Shellstyle.dll, but since I'm using ONE....

June 28th, 2024, 12:17 PM
Same problem with 22h2 / 23h2 and thumbnails ;)

I have no problems with the theme and SAB, apart from those indicated with SAB T2
And my little theme is based on Windows 11 :)

I always use ONE (for the "use classical drive grouping" option, no one has managed to integrate it into the file to have it permanently)
And also to have Detail Pane at the bottom, the option in SAB does not work with a custom theme
I could always integrate this "option" into Shellstyle.dll, but since I'm using ONE....
if you do not have a problem with using the Windows theme with the StartAllBack application
there is no need to use another application that has this problem and where it is written that it is only a test version
and a version that will not be updated as often and possibly in the future at all as StartAllBack
I think I mentioned it many times and added links
I created the file 7tsp Allow all theme Extras permanently
when using this my file, all theme extras are permanently activated as well as the bottom task panel
it is not necessary to use the OldNewExplorer application
https://virtualcustoms.net/showthread.php/87768-Windows-11-21h2-updated-Shell-7tsp-Allow-all-Theme-Extras-Permanently (https://virtualcustoms.net/showthread.php/87768-Windows-11-21h2-updated-Shell-7tsp-Allow-all-Theme-Extras-Permanently)

https://virtualcustoms.net/showthread.php/87047-Windows-10-21h1-updated-shell-7tsp-Allow-all-Theme-Extras-Permanently (https://virtualcustoms.net/showthread.php/87047-Windows-10-21h1-updated-shell-7tsp-Allow-all-Theme-Extras-Permanently)

June 28th, 2024, 12:22 PM
if you do not have a problem with using the Windows theme with the StartAllBack application
there is no need to use another application that has this problem and where it is written that it is only a test version
and a version that will not be updated as often and possibly in the future at all as StartAllBack
I think I mentioned it many times and added links
I created the file 7tsp Allow all theme Extras permanently
when using this my file, all theme extras are permanently activated as well as the bottom task panel
it is not necessary to use the OldNewExplorer application
https://virtualcustoms.net/showthread.php/87768-Windows-11-21h2-updated-Shell-7tsp-Allow-all-Theme-Extras-Permanently (https://virtualcustoms.net/showthread.php/87768-Windows-11-21h2-updated-Shell-7tsp-Allow-all-Theme-Extras-Permanently)

https://virtualcustoms.net/showthread.php/87047-Windows-10-21h1-updated-shell-7tsp-Allow-all-Theme-Extras-Permanently (https://virtualcustoms.net/showthread.php/87047-Windows-10-21h1-updated-shell-7tsp-Allow-all-Theme-Extras-Permanently)

I don't use T2 (due to the problems encountered) to see if it is updated

Ok, and it also has the "use classical drive grouping" option ?
You told me you didn't do it


So I have to keep ONE for this option :)