View Full Version : DWMBlurGlass App for W10/11

June 29th, 2024, 06:28 PM

Adds a custom effect to the global system title bar.
Customizable global blur radius or title bar blur radius only.
Customizable title bar blend colors.
Customizable title bar text color.
Aero reflections and parallax effects are available.
Restore Windows 7 style title bar button height.
Support to enable blur effect for programs using old Windows 7 API DwmEnableBlurBehindWindow.
Supports Blur, Aero, Acrylic, and Mica (Win11 only) effects.
Individually customizable Light/Dark color mode automatic switching.
CustomBlur, AccentBlur and SystemBackdrop blurring methods are available.
Third-party theme support.

https://github.com/Maplespe/DWMBlurGlass/raw/master/Screenshot/001701.png (https://github.com/Maplespe/DWMBlurGlass/blob/master/Screenshot/001701.png) https://github.com/Maplespe/DWMBlurGlass/raw/master/Screenshot/10307.png (https://github.com/Maplespe/DWMBlurGlass/blob/master/Screenshot/10307.png)

Supported as low as Windows 10 2004 and as high as the latest version of Windows 11 (Some blurring methods are not supported in Windows Insider versions).
Can be used with third party themes to further customize DWM.
We do not modify the rendering logic of the application itself, which is completely different from the logic of MicaForEveryone and therefore maximizes compatibility with third-party programs.
We reverse-analyzed DWM and created a custom blur method to bring stunning visual effects, but if you choose the "SystemBackdrop" blur method, it uses the system's publicly available interfaces and has the same effect as MicaForEveryone.
Not recommended for use with MicaForEveryone, we do not guarantee compatibility with it.
Compatible with ExplorerBlurMica (https://github.com/Maplespe/ExplorerBlurMica), works better together.
Compatible with TranslucentFlyouts (https://github.com/ALTaleX531/TranslucentFlyouts). (It should be noted that even though this project is compatible with TF, EBMv2 is not fully compatible with TFv2)

Material Effects

Basic pure blur. Nothing special.
https://github.com/Maplespe/DWMBlurGlass/raw/master/Screenshot/blur.png (https://github.com/Maplespe/DWMBlurGlass/blob/master/Screenshot/blur.png)

Windows 7's glass effect, with saturation and exposure effects on the background when a window is inactive.https://github.com/Maplespe/DWMBlurGlass/raw/master/Screenshot/aero.png (https://github.com/Maplespe/DWMBlurGlass/blob/master/Screenshot/aero.png)
https://github.com/Maplespe/DWMBlurGlass/raw/master/Screenshot/aero_inactive.png (https://github.com/Maplespe/DWMBlurGlass/blob/master/Screenshot/aero_inactive.png)

The acrylic recipe: background, blur, exclusion blend, saturation, color/tint overlay and noise.
https://github.com/Maplespe/DWMBlurGlass/raw/master/Screenshot/acrylic.png (https://github.com/Maplespe/DWMBlurGlass/blob/master/Screenshot/acrylic.png)

The Mica recipe: blurred wallpaper, saturation and color/tint overlay.
https://github.com/Maplespe/DWMBlurGlass/raw/master/Screenshot/mica.png (https://github.com/Maplespe/DWMBlurGlass/blob/master/Screenshot/mica.png)

All of the above effects can be customized to blend colors.
MicaAlt is Mica with a grayish tone, you can modify the blend color by yourself to get the MicaAlt effect.

How to use

Download the compiled program archive from the Release (https://github.com/Maplespe/DWMBlurGlass/releases) page.
Unzip it to a location such as "C:\Program Files".

3. Run the DWMBlurGlass.exe GUI program and click Install.
https://github.com/Maplespe/DWMBlurGlass/raw/master/Screenshot/012746.png (https://github.com/Maplespe/DWMBlurGlass/blob/master/Screenshot/012746.png)
If nothing happens when you click Install, then you need to click on the Symbols page and click Download.
You may receive a notification about missing symbols in the future, especially after system updates.
https://github.com/Maplespe/DWMBlurGlass/raw/master/Screenshot/012924.png (https://github.com/Maplespe/DWMBlurGlass/blob/master/Screenshot/012924.png)


Run the DWMBlurGlass.exe GUI program and click Uninstall.
Delete relevant files

Scroll to the bottom of the GitHub page and click the "Assets" dropdown.
