I think they all have good and bad points but they all have their place and it's hard to say which is better, I think for performance and Hardcore games, probably PS3, it also has the added bonus of being able to play Blu-Ray, for Online gaming it would be the XBox360, mainly because you can play against PC users as well, XBox also makes a decent Media Center, its more like an extension of your PC that can also integrate with it.

Cons I think with both these machines is the tiny Hard disc, when looking at what was available at the time and what is available now in storage size, not mention how much priced have dropped, it's hard to understand why the have given them such limited capacity, the conclusion for this is they were looking at the need future upgrades and milking as much out the CONsoles, as they always have with all consoles to date.

The Wii, well what can I say about the Wii, it has a pretty stupid name, looks gay and seems way over hyped, good points are it is fairly cheap and has a good range of games that will actually get you up off the couch and get you involved with the game in a way that has never been done before and is the future in console gaming, I think this is a direction Nintendo will continue to head and will do well in doing so.

Ultimately the line between console and PC continues to blur and eventually there will be no need for them unless they can manage to stand apart like the Wii seems to be doing.