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Thread: Customizing wmp12

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    Customizing wmp12

    First off i will start by saying thank's to the creator's of all the images I used in achieving my new look,One of the images was found here at virtualcustoms in the Gallery section which i used as a background image for when wmp start's up and is finishes playing a video (you will see in a screen shot below) So props to the designer . And for the rest I downloaded a theme a while ago but didn't quite like the theme but really liked the wmp12 Customization if i could remember what theme it was or even if i could find it again i would give a direct link to it but unfortunately i cannot.So if the true creator find's and or read's this post I give massive prop's to you for all your hard work

    "In now way am i trying to steal your work and or take credit for it!" I am just trying to share and spread it further to other that may be interested.



    The .dll that need's to be either altered or replaced depending which method you use is "wmploc.dll"
    (your drive letter)\windows\System32 & (your drive letter)\windows\SysWOW64 "for x64 users"
    Here are all the images needed if you decide to assign them all yourself
    Attachment 29388

    But if you want the one's i have already modified use these
    Attachment 29389
    Attachment 29390

    For those with Restorator experience it is pretty self explanatory just download the "All wmploc.dll Images.7z" and start assigning the images from that .7z to the "wmploc.dll's you already have and you set

    For those that decide use my modified .dll's there maybe an issue where you will still need to use restorator to change the "Version File" like in the image below.

    This is the version that which the .dll's are used from
    And also for x64 user's i suggest changing both of the .dll's in the above directories as this is what i have done and both x86 & x64 media players work fine

    Oh and just a tip for Replacing the "wmploc.dll's" just rename your original one's to "wmploc.dll.bak" (You may need to Take Ownership of em) and place your modified into the directory and restart your pc or kill explorer.exe and restart it again.

    Once again thank's to the creator's of all the images

    Well that's it any question's please ask and hopefully maybe in the future we may see some new design's pop up
    Last edited by Big V; August 21st, 2011 at 12:26 AM.


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