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Thread: VC Ad Banner for those who want one.. :)

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    Generator2013 is offline

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    VC Ad Banner for those who want one.. :)

    I needed a banner for something I was writing so I decided to make a very basic animated VC Ad Banner,
    I thought I might aswell upload it for anyone needing a VC banner to use on personnally owned websites etc.

    Here's what I managed to come up with..

    Attachment 29560
    (If you plan on using this banner, you must download it and re-upload to your own site.. VC has a anti-leech script inplace to stop people stealing VC's bandwidth.)

    If you need help embeding the code just ask and I'll try and help, but it depends on what you use for your site (CMS/Forum/Custom coded... although if it's custom you shouldn't need my help unless you paid someone !)

    If anyone can create better, more attractive banners for VC then please do and post your work below.. all work will be gratefully appreciated!
    Last edited by gor17981; August 18th, 2011 at 06:48 PM.


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