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Thread: Troubleshoot Problems "Installing/Uninstalling" Icon Pack's

  1. #1

    Troubleshoot Problems "Installing/Uninstalling" Icon Pack's

    Troubleshoot Problems "Installing/Uninstalling" Icon Pack's!!

    I thought i would post some of my known problems and fixes for installing and uninstalling Mr GRiM's AWESOME icon's.
    A lot of these steps are all dependent on on your current OS installation with there being so many different scenarios it would be impossible for me to know the exact situation that you are in.
    So these steps may help you or may not help you some of it will depend on you knowledge of the OS itself and how things work.

    Install/Uninstalling Problems.

    > Make sure you have downloaded the correct Icon Pack to suit your version of Windows 7!! (Either x86 or x64)

    > Make sure you have read the README once you have unpacked the icon pack and done everything it suggest before continuing to install!!

    > So the most common problem found would have to be the clearing of the "IconCache" and this has all been taken care of thank's to Generator in this Tutorial Here.Or manually navigate to "C:\Users\Username\AppData\Local" and if you have "View all files and Folders" Checked then you will see "IconCache" there "Delete It" and then restart your PC.

    > If the Icons did not change once your PC restarted or some did and some didn't (this goes for uninstalling the Icon Pack's as well) then something somewhere did not do its job so the safest thing to do now is some exploring into the directories our selves.
    Go into your "C:\Windows\System32 & if you are x64 C:\Windows\SysWOW64" folders and see how many imageres.dll , imagesp1.dll , Shell32.dll's there are including if there are any ".BAK" or ".TMP" .dll's.
    If there are ".BAK" or ".TMP" .dll's there then we need to restore our system folders back to stock.
    Provided you have made backups of the originals then go ahead and Delete the ".BAK" or ".TMP" .dll's if you are unable to Delete some of them then they are still in use from windows so Delete what you can then restart and go back and Delete the remainder of the ".BAK" or ".TMP" .dll's
    (Keep in mind i only mean Delete ".BAK" or ".TMP" .dll's)
    So this should restore our system files back to a normal state and now we need to Clear IconCache again and we should be back to a normal state

    > Another great way of restoring your sysyem file's if they are effected or corrupt is to open up a "command Prompt" and type
    sfc /scannow
    "sfc = system file checker" "scannow = scan"

    once that is complete restart and your system files should well and tuly be restored.

    Install/Uninstalling without using the Script.

    > Other way's of installing the icon pack's are is download the icon pack you want with the installer and the System32 & SysWOW64 .dll's located in the Data folder of the pack now all I do is TakeOwnership of the entire "C:\Windows" folder (It can take a while), Once done Navigate to "C:\Windows\System32" & the "SysWOW64" folder for x64 bit user's and locate the .dll's we need to replace i.e "imageres.dll,imagesp1.dll,Shell32.dll,zipfldr.dll" and rename them to "imageres.dll.BAK,imagesp1.dll.BAK,Shell32.dll.BAK,zipfldr.dll.BAK" in BOTH "C:\Windows\System32" & the "SysWOW64" and copy and paste the .dll's from the icon pack you want to use.

    Then restart your PC and notice that all my icons didn't completey change so now we need to Clear The Icon Cache or manually navigate to "C:\Users\Username\AppData\Local" and if you have "View all files and Folders" Checked then you will see "IconCache" there "Delete It" kill the "explorer.exe" in task manager under processes and then restart the "explorer.exe"

    Or for those of you that are Dual-Booting then simply whilst in 1 windows environment navigate into the 2nd windows system folder's and manually copy and paste the certain .dll's into the appropriate directories and the next time you boot into there you should have your new icon's

    "Please note that some of the above actions may require certain permission's so always make sure you are logged in as Administrator"

    Thats all i can think of today if you feel i have forgotten something or you know of any other problem's that you may have even experienced then please post here and share your issues if we work together then we should be able to iron out all of these random problem's

    I hope this help's and give people a better understaning of how it work's.

    Last edited by Big V; September 24th, 2011 at 10:29 PM.

  2. #2

    Re: Troubleshoot Problems "Installing/Uninstalling" Icon Pack's

    very fine thread

  3. #3
    dareaper is offline

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    Re: Troubleshoot Problems "Installing/Uninstalling" Icon Pack's

    Nice thanks 4 info.

  4. #4
    ViruS is offline

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    Re: Troubleshoot Problems "Installing/Uninstalling" Icon Pack's

    Theres one more problem!!!!!
    all users that have a Creative card in theyr PC, have a problem when changing the shell32.dll.... when the shell32.dll is changed in what way ever, the cmss3d feature isnt working any more.. around 20 people have the same Problem so in contact with creative but they dont answer

    greetz VS

  5. #5
    Mr GRiM is offline

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    Re: Troubleshoot Problems "Installing/Uninstalling" Icon Pack's

    Quote Originally Posted by ViruS
    Theres one more problem!!!!!
    all users that have a Creative card in theyr PC, have a problem when changing the shell32.dll.... when the shell32.dll is changed in what way ever, the cmss3d feature isnt working any more.. around 20 people have the same Problem so in contact with creative but they dont answer

    greetz VS

    For you guys with the creative sound cards that still want the icons without the problems may want to try replacing the shell32 in the data folder with the default one from your system and just install everything else, all the main folders and drive icons will still be changed and any of the ones that don't get changed you might be able to do with WinBubble.
    Last edited by Big V; September 24th, 2011 at 10:29 PM.

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    Mp0wer is offline
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    Re: Troubleshoot Problems "Installing/Uninstalling" Icon Pack's

    Hello all

    I just installed the glossy blue icon and everything worked great, but now I want to install the Full glass icon, do I have to uninstall the glossy blue before installing the full glass?

    Thanks Mr.Grim for these awesome themes and icons

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