This is not my list it came from here but it looked like a good list and I thought we could probably add to it, even though it's meant to be for version 1.4 most things will still apply to version 1.5, so please don't forget to add anything that you think might be useful.

Ok guys I'm starting an official list where newbies like me can find whatever their looking for easily. I figured I'd start to make one and let everyone contribute since there isn't one already surprisingly.

Note : This list is for VistaStyleBuilder Version 1.4

Please again add to this I would think it would really benefit everyone in the community for a list of all the exact locations, also I plan on adding images to all the different locations.
My Computer Harddrive Used Space Fill Image ( Normal )
Buttons, Boxes & Conrols -> ProgressBars -> Normal -> Fill -> 4

My Computer Harddrive Used Space Fill Image ( Error )
Buttons, Boxes & Conrols -> ProgressBars -> Normal -> Fill -> 2

My Computer Harddrive Space Bar
Buttons, Boxes & Conrols -> ProgressBars -> Normal -> TransparentBar -> 2

Explorer List Item Highlight ( MouseOver Not Selected! ) ~
Windows 7 -> Explorer & Shell -> Explorer -> List View -> ListItem -> Hot

Explorer List Item Highlight ( Clicked! ) ~
Windows 7 -> Explorer & Shell -> Explorer -> List View -> ListItem -> Selected

Explorer List Item Highlight ( Clicked with Explorer in BG! ) ~
Windows 7 -> Explorer & Shell -> Explorer -> List View -> ListItem -> SelectedNotFocus

Explorer List Item Highlight ( Clicked With MouseOver! ) ~
Windows 7 -> Explorer & Shell -> Explorer -> List View -> ListItem -> HotSelected

Desktop Drag Highlight Outline Color / Text HighLight ~
Fonts, Colors & System Metrics -> Fonts, Colors & System Metrics -> HIGHTLIGHT:COLOR

Desktop Drag Highlight Fill Color ~
Fonts, Colors & System Metrics -> Fonts, Colors & System Metrics -> HOTTRACKING:COLOR

StartMenu SearchBox Outside BG Color ~
Windows 7 -> Start Menu -> Aero -> Top -> OpenBox

StartMenu ProgramList Outside BG Color ~
Windows 7 -> Start Menu -> Aero -> Top -> ProgramList

StartMenu PlaceList Outside BG Color ~
Windows 7 -> Start Menu -> Aero -> Top -> PlacesList

Explorer MainBG Color ~
Windows 7 -> Explorer & Shell -> Explorer -> ItemsView ( inside there, FILLCOLOR:COLOR )

My Computer Hard Drive Disk Collapse Button ~
Windows 7 -> Explorer & Shell -> Explorer -> List View -> CollapseButton

My Computer Hard Drive Disk Expand Button ~
Windows 7 -> Explorer & Shell -> Explorer -> List View -> ExpandButton

Explorer LeftSide ListItems (Normal, Selected, Etc) ~
Windows 7 -> Explorer & Shell -> Explorer -> List View -> ListItem

Explorer Top Data Pane (Proccesor, Memory, Etc)
Explorer & Shell -> Shell -> PreviewPane -> 1 -> 1

Explorer Top Data Pane Title Text Color
Explorer & Shell -> Shell -> PreviewPane -> 5

Explorer Top Data Pane Section Text Color
Explorer & Shell -> Shell -> PreviewPane -> 6

Explorer Top Data Pane Input Text Color
Explorer & Shell -> Shell -> PreviewPane -> 7 -> 1