Hey guys everything okay,

Have a small question and I hope that someone is willing or can help me out.
First off big thanks to Mr. Grim and others, the VistaGlazz works like a charm for changing custom themes.

and with Restorator 2007 also changed the explorer.exe without any hasle

So the next step is like the title says, which software or modification to use to get the dock like in the example below !
Used the example desktop theme of Mr Grim to show what I exactly mean :

Ooh yeah almost forgot I'm using Windows 7 Ultimate 64-Bit as OS

Did take a look for Rocketdock, Objectdock of Stardock and Nexus << but not sure if it's safe to use , so I wanted to hear/see your opinion and
which is the best and savest method.

Best Regards,