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Thread: Hey! im new.

  1. #1
    Mastergrim20 is offline
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    Hey! im new.

    Hi im very good with computers...i challenge myself to do anything to learn more about them. i saw this website i find it real awesome.
    i need a little help though if someone with experience would like to help me...i dont understand how to put the en-Us and shell stuff together..if someone can please help me that would be great. thanks.

  2. #2

    Re: Hey! im new.

    welcome master!
    we can help you and we have many tutorials on this side and when your
    good you can learn all this and the best for free^^

  3. #3
    Mr GRiM is offline

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    Re: Hey! im new.

    Welcome Master Grim I have never made them myself, I got mine from the default aero theme and made a few changes to them recently to change the Header and sub header text in the libraries but aside from that there is not much going on there that I have needed to change from default.

    Please do not PM me to ask for support - please use the relevant thread or forum.
    Please Post in English or at least include English Translations


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