This requires NO actual hacking of resources. You don't need anything else
but basic knowledge of clicking a mouse
I just find this a cool trick.

Instructions :

1. Create one empty folder on desktop or in my documents folder
(name is as NTB !)

2. If you have locked your taskbar then unlock it by right clicking on
taskbar and unchecking “Lock the taskbar”.

3. Right click on the taskbar & select "New toolbar" and point it to
the NTB folder.

4. Now right click on the new toolbar and uncheck
"Show Text" and "Show Title".

5. Now drag it (dotted seperator) all the way to the left side, between the
start orb and taskbar icons and release it.

6. Center align the taskbar icons by dragging the dotted separator present
near the taskbar icons.

7. Rightclick the taskbar and check "Lock the taskbar".