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Thread: Recover Windows Administrator Password with Password & Regis

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    razorsedge is offline
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    Recover Windows Administrator Password with Password & Regis

    Have you forgotten your Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP, Windows 2000 or Windows NT admin password and wish to recover or reset it?

    Attachment 34346

    lost windows password Recover Windows Administrator Password with Password & Registry Editor

    Then this freeware tool Offline NT Password & Registry Editor may help you to reset the password of any user that has a valid (local) account on your Windows operating system.


    * You do not need to know the old password to set a new one.
    * It works offline, that is, you have to shutdown your computer and boot off a floppy-disk or CD or another system.
    * Will detect and offer to unlock locked or disabled out user accounts!
    * There is also a registry editor and other registry utilities that works under Lnux / Unix, and can be used for other things than password editing.

    NT stores its user information, including crypted versions of the passwords, in a file called ‘sam’, usually found in \windows\system32\config folder. This file is a part of the registry, in a binary format previously undocumented, and not easily accessible.

    This website provides CD and floppy images for end users to easily edit their forgotten passwords. But it also provides full source code and binary builds of the tools to allow others to use as they like for other purposes. Registry format documentation is also available.

    You should download the CD version of this tool and burn the downloaded ‘bootable image’ to a CD. Next restart your Windows computer and it from this CD. Follow the on-screen instructions to reset the password.
    Last edited by Big V; August 12th, 2011 at 04:51 AM.


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