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Thread: KUNG-FOO foobar config by *Br3tt

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    razorsedge is offline
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    KUNG-FOO foobar config by *Br3tt

    KUNG-FOO foobar config by *Br3tt

    Attachment 34804


    - ColumnsUI or higher - [link] foo_ui_columns.dll
    - Panel Stack Splitter 0.3.4a or higher - [link] foo_uie_panel_splitter.dll
    - ELPlaylist or higher - [link] foo_uie_elplaylist
    - Peakmeter Spectrum Visualization beta or higher - [link] foo_uie_vis_peakmeter_spectrum.dll
    - (Chronial) Cover Flow 0.3.0 or higher - [link] foo_chronflow.dll
    - Graphical Browser rev015 or higher - [link] foo_uie_graphical_browser.dll
    - Lyric Show Panels or higher - [link] foo_uie_lyrics.dll
    - Track info panel 0.8 or higher - [link] foo_uie_trackinfo.dll
    - Track info panel mod 0.8.0 or higher - [link] foo_uie_trackinfo_mod.dll
    - Quick Search Toolbar 2.8l or higher - [link] foo_uie_quicksearch.dll
    - Channel Spectrum Panel 0.16 or higher - [link] foo_uie_vis_channel_spectrum.dll
    - Album list panel 0.2.2 or higher - [link] foo_uie_albumlist.dll
    - WSH Panel 0.7.2 or higher - [link] foo_uie_wsh_panel.dll

    CAUTION: This component may don't work with old CPU (make foobar crash!)

    /// FONTS ///

    - Arial (Already installed with Windows XP or Vista)
    - Tahoma (Already installed with Windows XP or Vista)
    - Segoe UI (Already installed with Windows XP or Vista)
    - LCD + LCDMono (LCD font family) [link]
    - Uni 05_53 [link]
    - Chinyen [link]
    - Wingdings (Already installed with Windows XP or Vista)
    - Wingdings 2 (Already installed with Windows XP or Vista)
    - Wingdings 3 (Already installed with Windows XP or Vista)
    - Symbol (Already installed with Windows XP or Vista)
    - HelvCondensedCaps (used in ColumnsUI Filter and Album list Panel and Lyrics Show Panels)

    /// DOWNLOADS ///

    get the .7z archive file (contains the .fcl file and images/kung-foo folder) from the download link on left side panel

    /// INSTALLATION ///

    1) extract the .7z archive in the default foobar2000 folder (should be C:\Program Files\foobar2000\)
    2) run foobar with ColumnsUI as interface (in Preferences -> Display -> Select interface)
    3) in Preferences -> Display -> ColumnsUI -> Main -> use Import Button to import the [link] file extracted in 1) in foobar2000 folder (C:\Program Files\foobar2000\) , apply the imported layout !
    4) you may have to configure stand alone components like Quick Search Toolbar, Cover Flow, Lyric Show panel, Playlist Switcher, Album list Panel ... cause the configuration file do not contains my settings (not stored in the .fcl)
    5) you may have to change the PATH for covers and artist photos for each components using them ("Graphical Browser" panels, "Panel Stack Splitter" panels and "Cover flow" panel) simply rigth-click on the component to update --> enter settings of the component --> modify the path for the variables cover.path and/or artist.path, generally coded in the first lines of the code of the component!
    IMPORTANT : for ELPlaylist, the cover path is set in a variable handled by ELPlaylist __ART_PATH__ (by default, it's setted to folder.jpg in songs directory) --> go to ELPlaylist Settings (rigth click on it -> settings), tab behaviour and just double-click on the var name to update the path used!


    - lauching foobar by clicking a file from explorer work bad due to Panel Stack Splitter bugg, and do not display some buttons and panels, the better way is to open mp3 files from foobar or having foobar lauched before opening a music file from explorer
    Last edited by Big V; August 22nd, 2011 at 04:08 AM.


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