Quote Originally Posted by [url=https://virtualcustoms.net/viewtopic.php?p=32373#p32373
vceu » Yesterday, 7:58 pm[/url]]hallo bigcyco,
wonderfull theme, my respect.
i just try to create a styled taskbar for my own. do you have some tips, how you`re doing this in a graphik app and what for hex in the normal.res of the msstyle is reasonable for that. just copy and paste the image in restorator isnt all what i experienced. do you have any tips for that, i would be very happy,
thank you
gretings vceu
Thanks for nice compliment i am glad you like it As,for tips those are different for all artist or theme builders mr.grim and nofx1994 are guys i like to listen to or take advice from in making themes i usually ask nofx1994 for tips and tricks I do have a couple of my own tips but none that come to mind right now but,i use Adobe Photoshop CS5 Extended Edition to make my task bars and other images in my visual styles i rarely use Restorator2007 but as far as a specifics go i can't say the reason for that it's different for some it all depends on type of task bar you trying to do?Than i could assist you better or offer you any tips bud