By this time most of us have updated our Firefox browser to the latest beta release. The Firefox 4 beta is quite efficient and works without a glitch. Most of the programs work perfectly well without any integration problems. But if you are using Internet Download Manager (IDM) for download purpose and you have a Firefox 4 browser, then you might have faced integration problems with the browser and the download manager.

Well I just found out the solution for it!

Here’s what you have to do:

* Head over to Firefox add-ons page and download Flashgot Add-on for Firefox( Compatible with the latest beta release).
* After installing the add-on, restart the browser.
* Go to Tools>FlashGot>More Options>General Tab.


* If IDM is already installed on the computer, it automatically gets selected, if not browse on the general tab and locate IDM.
* Next, select the “Auto Start Download” option.


That’s pretty much it! You can now download stuff using IDM, fully integrated with the Firefox 4 beta browser.

Download: FlashGot Add-On: