Now that the Internet Explorer 9 beta has been available to download with combined address bar and search box, you can directly search the web right from the address bar. As you can understand, Bing is the default search provider of Internet Explorer 9 browser.

Internet Explorer 9 users who would like to use the default search engine as Google need to install the Google search add-on. Here is how to set Google as the default search engine in IE 9:

Method 1:

1. Launch IE 9 browser.

2. Press the F4 key to see the default search engine. As you can see in the screenshot, Bing is the default search provider. Click Add button to see list of search engine add-ons available for IE 9.


3. Look for Google Search Suggestions add-on and click Add to Internet Explorer button and then select Make this my default search provider option. Click Add button to complete the procedure. Restart the browser to make Google as the default search provider.



Method 2:

1. Run Internet Explorer 9 browser.

2. Click on Tools icon (extreme right icon in the toolbar), and then click Manage add-ons option.


3. In the Add-ons manager, click Search Providers option available in the left pane to see the list of search engine add-ons installed. By default, only Bing search add-on is installed.


4. Click Find more search providers option present at the bottom of the Add-ons manager to view the list of search engine add-ons available for Internet Explorer 9. Scroll-down the page to see Google Search Suggestions add-on.


5. Click Add to Internet Explorer button and then check the box named Make this my default search provider option. And finally click Add button to make Google as your default search provider in Internet Explorer 9 browser.


6. Restart Internet Explorer 9 browser to set Google as default search provider.