Fix: Windows 7 logon screen appears twice when you resume computer from Sleep

Does your logon screen appear two times when you resume a Windows 7 or Windows Server 2008 R2 based computer from Sleep or from Hibernation? If so, this article may be of interest to you!

hotfix icon Fix: Windows 7 logon screen appears twice when you resume computer from Sleep

Consider the following scenario:

* You have a computer that is running Windows 7 or Windows Server 2008 R2.
* You install hotfix KB976427.
* You enable the Require a password on wakeup option.
* You resume the computer from Sleep or from Hibernation.

In this scenario, the logon screen may appear two times. Therefore, you have to enter your credentials two times.

This issue occurs when there are multiple pending lock signals to be processed when the user is logging in. In this situation, the WinLogon state machine logs the user off.

In this case, request Fix333423 from KB2345131 and apply it.