Windows Security Troubleshooter: Fix Windows security problems automatically

Windows Security Troubleshooter from Microsoft Automated Troubleshooting Services troubleshoots, identifies and fixes Windows security problems automatically.


he Troubleshooter will automatically diagnose and fix the following problems with security in Windows7 or Vista, such as:

* User Account Control – UAC
* Windows Firewall
* Data Execution Protection (DEP) to prevent security threats.

The Troubleshooter will automatically:

* Check Windows security features and enable them if needed
* Fix Phishing or Smartscreen filters
* Fix and reset User Account Control (UAC)
* Fix Data Execution Prevention (DEP)
* Reset and fix Windows Firewall.

Think you need to run this Troubleshooter?

Head over to the Windows Security Troubleshooter page, click on the Run Now button, and let do the work for you!