Hello, i got stunned by seeing Mr. Grim's work regarding icon packs.

truth is i do really suck on graphics and therefore i ask for your expertise.

i wana make my orbit start button with greek and cypriot flag [glossy etc.]. heh, i tried to do that but ofcourse it failed. i did managed to make a bitmap using kishan bagaria's application by copy and pasting a tiny flag on an already existing bitmap orb. it's kinda working but when u roll over u can see the black edges.

is it possible to give me a nice orb start button with a nice glossy greek flag ? if it's not really a trouble i wanto make the same on my mouse pointer [cursor theme] as well (i know that there's an other section for cursors but as i did the orbit request thought it would be better not to spam more).

e.g: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedi...riots_Flag.png but in a small nice designed way
thanks a lot