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Thread: Pitaschio 2.26

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    razorsedge is offline
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    Pitaschio 2.26

    Pitaschio is a fantastic free utility for Windows that lets you tweak and customize Windows in several ways. This genius utility works great on Windows XP, Vista and Windows 7.

    With Pitaschio, one can disable Windows, Insert, Alt, Caps Lock and Manu keys instantly. This utility lets you customize Windows desktop by changing icon text color, icon size (small icons), and a few other useful options. Along with this, it lets you place window only in screen, adjust transparency by wheel, minimize window to system tray, disable/enable minimize button, enable/disable maximize button, enable/disable close button.

    Attachment 38414

    Apart from above mentioned features, you can also set around 25 mouse shortcuts with a few clicks.

    Under manage Windows option, you will tens of powerful options to define window behavior for a particular application. That is you can open a window in the form of popup window, minimized window, child window or hidden window.

    Pitaschio also lets you set window transparency level, window size, window position for a particular application.

    One of the interesting features in this utility is that it will display your mouse and keyboard stats (found in system tray right-click), so that you can see how many times you click a mouse button or any keyboard button. You can clear mouse and keyboard stats at any time to start a fresh one.

    How to use ?

    You'll find these files in the compressed file.

    * Pitaschio.exe
    * pitadll.dll
    * readme_jp.txt
    * readme_en.txt
    * Ignore.txt
    * licence.txt

    Please extract these files and double click on the Pitaschio.exe.
    Startup Folder

    If you would like to run Pitaschio whenever you use windows, I recommend that you put shortcut to the Pitaschio.exe in the Startup Folder of Windows. The location of the Startup Folder is as follows:

    c:\Documents and Settings\[username]\Start Menu\Programs\Startup

    Special procedure is not necessary to uninstall the Pitaschio. If Pitaschio is not to your taste, please delete the related files.
    Last edited by HaCkthEplAneT; September 6th, 2011 at 07:00 PM.


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