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Thread: Taskbar creation assistance

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    overomg is offline
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    Taskbar creation assistance

    First of all i would like to say Hi! to everyone at VIRTUAL CUSTOMS forum i just found out about this site yesterday and was very blown away by the designs and themes of people like Mr. Grim, bbosa really awesome job on those themes guys being new here i dunno if im posting in the right section now so im sorry if im not posting in the right section and my question will be is how to make my very own taskbar similar to Mr. Grim's or bbosa's taskbars i need some kind of guide to give me the basics cause as i understood you were using "Windows Style Builder 1.5" if im not mistaken so just point out to what i need to know to get the hang of the taskbar editing
    P.S. I know the basics like changing the taskbar colour or changing the start orb pretty simple stuff but taskbar is stuck to me like glue so any assistance will be appreciated

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    overomg is offline
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    Re: Taskbar creation assistance

    Much obliged


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