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Thread: Windows Style Builder 1.6 Ideas List - Any suggestions?

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    Mbrys331 is offline

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    Windows Style Builder 1.6 Ideas List - Any suggestions?

    i found this information on web sight

    on: January 22, 2010, 10:51:26 pm »

    WSB 1.6 Ideas:

    •• Goto have the ability to use the same path as difftool (<ButtonStyle>.<1>.<1>)
    •• Goto have the ability to use DirectUI like paths (BUTTONSTYLE, 1, 1)
    •• COLORIZATIONCOLOR:INT show color rather than integer / Use color picker
    •• Font replacer (Replace font that matches x with y)
    •• Font preview in property box
    •• Color replacer (Replace color that matches x with y)
    •• Image alpha tagger1
    •• DWMWindowIsChanged::Bool2
    •• Font picker automatically opens upon adding
    •• Color picker automatically opens upon adding
    •• When opening a theme copy Shell to %temp%
    •• Open help in new window button.
    •• On Test/Apply reuse last DWM Colorization Color.

    1On import VSB will add a value into the image to represent whether or not the image has been alpha fixed. When export then imported again VSB will check this value then either import by its default function or import and skip the alpha conversion based on this value.

    2WSB will check if the end-user has modified any classes in DWMWindow. If not the stream will be ignored on compile preventing pixel alignment errors.

    « Last Edit: January 23, 2010, 09:18:18 pm by Panda X » ... opic=912.0

  2. #13
    keithw420 is offline
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    oh, sorry for the misunderstanding . I have fully integrated classic shell into my custom themes using Ghidra and VB,little coding skill but what i cant do is get Stylebuilder to recognize the class maps. (Since I dont fully understand them myself) LOL but its a hobby/continuing work in progress.

  3. #14
    keithw420 is offline
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    I personally find all the people and support here AMAZING. They \This has really helped ME out...

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