I would love a theme which is chocolate, coffe and cream type colours, with maybe a touch of burnt orange (but subtle) to lift it a little. No white at all, just a nice mellow cream/beige, maybe with fonts being bitter chocolate?

I would love to make my own theme, but can't afford to spend £15 on Ave's software without a trial (worried I won't be any good at using it, hehe). If anyone could suggest a way for me to get started, without a large cash outlay, I would be happy just to edit a few themes I've downloaded which have white bits in them.

I'm 54 and have m.e./chronic fatigue syndrome, which makes my eyes extremely sensitive, so the glare from white pages is too much for me. I have to use a style called "eyes" when browsing which is a lovely cool mint green and very soothing for my eyes.

I'm itching to have a go at editing themes, and eventually creating my own after seeing all the wonderful themes here and elsewhere, and having a few ideas of my own. Haven't got a clue how to start, though, and I know it's not easy from the little bit of editing I once did on a gmail skin.

Any advice/help gratefully received, and thanks once again to all of you for brightening up my desktop ^^