Maybe on one or more occasions, you might have experienced certain issues and errors with your Windows Live Messenger, like say, sign-in issues or frequent disconnections, freezing etc. Today, I will suggest few steps to resolve such issues. These steps are not specific to any error message. Most of them are generic troubleshooting steps.

1. Check the Date and Time settings.

* Believe it or not lot of Windows Live Messenger login issues are caused by incorrect Date and Time settings.
* Open Date and Time by clicking the Start button Picture of the Start button, clicking Control Panel, clicking Clock, Language, and Region, and then clicking Date and Time.
* Click the Date and Time tab, and then click Change date and time put the correct date and time.
* Reboot your System and test it.

2. Disable User Account Control

* Sometime UAC might cause the Messenger to stop logging into.
* Open User Accounts by clicking the Start button ,
* Clicking Control Panel, clicking User Accounts and Family Safety
* Click User Accounts.
* Then move the slide bar to “Never Notify”, reboot system and try again!


3. Disable Firewall or Reboot the System in Selective Startup.

* Sometime Windows Firewall might block the connection. So we could temporarily disable Windows Firewall and test it.
* To Disable click the start button
* Under search type in Firewall.cpl and hit enter
* Then click on “Turn Windows Firewall on or off”.


Next select Turn off for both Home and Public Network


* Now open Live Messenger and test it.

4. Check the Proxy settings in Internet Explorer

* Sometime the Proxy settings might be enable on Internet Explorer that can cause issues with Windows Live Messenger
* To disable Proxy open Internet Explorer
* Go to Tools and select Internet Options


The click on “Connections” Tab and Click on “LAN settings”.


* Make sure “Automatically detect settings” is enabled

5. Make sure all the critical Windows Update is applied

* Sometime some missing Windows Update can cause issues with Windows Live Messenger make sure your Windows is up to date.

6. Microsoft Internet Explorer SSL settings are incorrect

* Start Internet Explorer.
* On the Tools menu, click Internet Options.
* Click the Advanced tab.
* Under Security, clear the Check for Server certificate revocation (requires restart) check box.
* Click OK.
* Exit Internet Explorer and Test it

7. Make sure these files are present

* Make sure the below mentioned files are present in your Computer.
* If any of these steps are missing we have to reinstall the Messenger

8. Manually remove Windows Live Messenger

* Sometime just removing from “Programs and Features” won’t help so we have to manually remove the files.
* First we have to shutdown Windows Live Messenger if it’s running. Press Ctrl+Alt+Del and Select Start Task Manager then click on Processes Tab find msnmsgr.exe and click on End Process.


Then we have to remove Windows Live Messenger from Programs and Features. So go to Start then under search type in Programs and Features.


* Under Programs and Features look for Windows Live Essentials then click of Uninstall
* Then it will give you an option to Remove all the Windows Live Programs like Windows Live Mail, Windows Live Writer etc. You might wanna remove all of them then it will more smooth.
* Once the Uninstall is completely then download and install CCleaner. Once it’s uninstalled, then run CCleaner.


* Click on Run Cleaner to make sure all the Temp files are removed.
* Now we have to remove the Contact cache folders located under Application Data folder for that go to Start under search type in %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Microsoft\ and Hit Enter and Delete the Windows Live Contacts folder.
* Now we have to delete few left over keys in Registry make sure you make a backup of the Registry.
* Now go to Start and under search type in Regedit and press enter.


* If prompted by UAC, then click on Yes.
* In regedit, navigate to each location below.
* HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows Live and Delete Messenger folder
* HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft and Delete MSNMessenger
* HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft and Delete MSNMessenger
* HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows Live\Communications Clients and Delete Shared
* HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft and Delete IdentityCRL
* Now reboot your computer and download and fresh copy, install it and test it