How to Fix “Do You Want to Open This File?” Security Warning While Opening Start Menu or Taskbar Shortcuts in Windows Vista and 7


Actually its a known problem in Windows Vista and 7 which occurs because of newly introduced Windows Integrity Levels. The problem might occur while opening shortcuts from start menu or Taskbar in Windows Vista and 7. It happens when the integrity level is changed for the start menu or Taskbar shortcuts.

You can fix the problem by resetting the integrity level using following simple steps:

1. Click on "Start button -> All Programs -> Accessories". Right-click on "Command Prompt" and select "Run As Administrator". If you are prompted to enter password, enter the password and continue. You can also open Command Prompt in Administrator mode by typing "cmd" in Startmenu Search box and press "Ctrl+Shift+Enter".

2. Now provide following command:

 ICACLS "%programdata%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs" /Setintegritylevel (OI)(CI)Medium
3. That's it. Now you should not get any file security warning dialog box while opening shortcuts from start menu and Taskbar in Windows Vista and 7.