Hi everyone,
I have been lurking on this site for a while now and finally got the courage to start customizing my own themes. I live in Parker CO in the US and am a freelance web designer with a bachelor's degree in I.T. I am probably the oldest person on this site if not one of the oldest. I remember when JFK was assassinated! I am also female if you couldn't tell by my name - FoxdenVixen. Real name is Cori. I hope to be able to post a lot of themes as I learn from this site. My first venture is a Pirates of the Caribbean theme and then plan on a green dragon theme (love dragons!!!). The tools I use are Adobe CS5 (use Photoshop occasionally but prefer Fireworks) Vista Style Builder 1.4, and my imagination. I will probably have lots of questions down the road. I like to take an existing theme, tear it apart and learn from it that way.