Ok so I admit to being slow! I had replaced images in taskbar & system tray>taskbar>aero>taskbar><1> and <3> with my own images last week. I decided this morning to move the taskbar from the top of my desktop to the bottom but stopped it at the side briefly. Now I see what images <2> and <4> are used for! I did change those background images but they don't seem to work so I will have to play around some more there. Also under the basic tab is where the show desktop button is so I will have to change the background for vertical images. Why are they under basic and not under Aero? Does anything need to be changed under basic>taskbar>backgroundbottom - backgroundright, etc? What if I want my taskbar to be wider (for those of us that are a little on the blind side)? I have tried expanding it with the double arrow but that doesn't seem to work. Can I make the image wider and then tweak some numbers in the sizingmargins area?