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Thread: ActionCenterCpl.dll & ActionCenter Uifle help!

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    RBCC is offline
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    ActionCenterCpl.dll & ActionCenter Uifle help!

    <element id="atom(HeaderArea)" layoutpos='top' layout='borderlayout()' class="FlyoutBkgd">

    <button id="atom(HeaderButton)" layoutpos="top" layout="borderlayout()" class="NotificationClass">

    <element id="atom(Header)" layoutpos='top' layout='borderlayout()' contentalign="topleft" background = "argb(0,0,0,0)">

    <element layoutpos='left' layout='FlowLayout(0, 2, 2, 2)' background='argb(0,0,0,0)' contentalign="topleft">

    <element id='atom(HeaderIconGood)' layoutpos='none' padding='rect(0rp,0rp,5rp,0rp)' background='argb(0,0,0,0)'

    content="icon(1, sysmetric(11), sysmetric(12), library(actioncenter.dll))" contentalign="topleft"


    <element id='atom(HeaderIconWarning)' layoutpos='none' padding='rect(0rp,0rp,5rp,0rp)' background='argb(0,0,0,0)'
    Where in the uifile file does the font get changed? I am working in the actioncentercpl.dll and actioncenter uifile!
    content ="icon(2, sysmetric(11), sysmetric(12), library(actioncenter.dll))" contentalign="topleft"
    Thank you, John
    Last edited by gor17981; August 17th, 2011 at 04:27 PM.


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