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Thread: Welcome to the Future of Firefox

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    xxrazor is offline
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    Welcome to the Future of Firefox

    New Firefox Aurora for Windows, Mac, Linux and Android is Available for Testing

    The latest experimental additions to Firefox Aurora for Windows, Mac and Linux streamline the user interface and give users more control when managing third-party add-ons. This update adds support for more HTML5 technologies, improves performance and scalability of HTML5 media elements, updates the WebSockets protocol and adds CORS support to WebGL. This update to Firefox Aurora for Android adds features to make mobile browsing more secure and convenient.

    New Experimental Features in Firefox Aurora for Windows, Mac, Linux:

    Users have more control in managing their add-ons (#thirdpartyaddons): After upgrading, users will receive a one-time notification with the option to review and confirm the add-ons they want to keep, disable or delete.

    Additionally, Firefox will now ask user permission before installing third-party add-ons. Any third-party add-ons will be disabled by default until the user confirms the installation.

    Read more:

    Last edited by xxrazor; August 26th, 2011 at 02:24 PM.
    1+Rep if you like


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