Hi guys, I recently downloaded the HUD theme from here and whilst I'm impressed with it overall I seem to be having an issue with getting some of the icons to work in rocketdock.

In rocket dock I can see that the icons for 'my computer', 'control panel', 'recycle bin' ect have been applied correctly but what I was wanting to do was to add shortcuts to my downloads, video, pictures folders ect and also shortcuts to various other applications, using the icons that come with the HUD theme.

Once I have created a shortcut to the relevant folder on my desktop I can change the shortcut icon to whatever HUD icon I want with no problem, the issue arises when I try and drag that icon onto my rocketdock. The shortcut still appears on rocketdock but then changes from the HUD icon to a general icon that looks a bit like a pc screen. I'm not on my home pc now so can't give a better description that that but could provide a screen shot later if that would help someone solve the problem?