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Thread: My Sept. 11th Tribute

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    My Sept. 11th Tribute

    Well as some of you may or may not know the 10yr Anniversary of the September 11th Attacks is Sunday. I will most likely not be around this weekend so i am going to make a post now. i am just going to keep it brief, since this is a very touchy subject with me and it will always be that way. I served in the military (Navy) from 2001-2004. I have been to their part of the world. And needless to say its not a pretty place. Probably the scariest place i have ever been in my life! I can still remember exactly where and what i was doing when it all happened. I bet most of you do too. So with that being said here is a little video i hope you all enjoy

    If anyone wants to see more by Michael Israel check out his site at

    Note: PLEASE DO NOT turn this into a political conversation. Any comments of this nature will be removed by me personally!!

    Last edited by HaCkthEplAneT; September 9th, 2011 at 06:42 PM.


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