Hiya 'yall... Ive been a member for awhile and my internet time can be kimited but I just wanted to express my sincere thanx to Mr Grimm, Lefty, and all the talented artists and members here. I started with cusytomization through windowblinds freebie; didnt want to pay the 30 bux or whatever they charge, found VC and have learned so much about Win7 etc. in the process. (Oh yeah - to those of us who like playing around with our systems, isn't system restore a god-send?
I downloaded HUD blue a few weeks back and what a kick ass theme! Except that generally I tend towards red themes and was going to post a suggestion for a red HUD version...to find its already here; wow!
If theres one thing that gets me i customizing, its icons. Sure I use res Hacker and all - iconfx and irfan view... but how can one take an icon image and 'trwek' it; add borders, highlights; what Im trying to do is make a recolored MS shield (red and black) into grimm's full-glass red style, which I use on my taskbar...
And sinec its taken me literally hours and hours to really get my icons the way I like them; can I use 7tsp as a general icon set changer, as one uses personalization for themes? For instance; use 7tsp to change between say grimm's full glass red set and HUD blue? When I installed HUD blue icons, I had to use resource hacker to change windows\sys32\imageres.dll #74 icon, which is used system-wide as administrator accent. I need to generically change this blue shield icon to red (I have all my 'custom' icons in a file windows\program files\custom icons.