I've been looking for a long time for a program to capture my logon screens.
Yesterday browsing DA I found just such a program to do this and would like to share where I found it.
Full credit goes to the creator


The program will change your EASE of ACCESS button on the logon screen into a logon screen capture button.
It very simple to use.
Open C:\windows\system32 and locate the Utilman.exe
Take ownership of the exe and rename it to Utilman.exe.bak
Then paste in the new file from the download in place and close the window.
Now either lock your desktop or logoff.
Once your logon screen is displayed click the Ease of Access button to capture the screen
On my system I do get a pop error at this point. But it is only a message that the default save location is not available or located.
Just close the popup and use the navigation window that also popped up to select where to save the image.
Images are only saved in bitmap format but can easily be convert to png or jepg.
Just open in PS and resave in the format you desire