Have you ever felt like when your playing in photoshop that your mouse is just not getting the job done.
Kind of like trying to perform surgery with a hatchet instead of a scalpel
I've recently been looking into buying a graphic pen tablet and have been doing some research on the net trying to find a good quality professional tablet at a reasonable price.
Ive seen a lot of Wacom Tablets available on the net but they are extremely expensive.
The ones I did find in my price range where very small and had limited work area size 3x4 and 3x5 inches about half the size of your normal mouse pad which for me didn't really appeal to me.
Then i stumbled across the Monoprice website and found some very nice deals on professional grade tablets at great prices and large work areas 10x6.25 inches.


I thought I would share a link to the site for anyone who might be considering purchasing a tablet.
From what i can tell they do ship worldwide but you will have to check for your country and rates.
I will be ordering the tablet pictured above in the next few days for myself at just about 55 bucks with s&h charge.