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Thread: Powered by Logonscreens

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    designfjotten is offline
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    Star Powered by Logonscreens

    Hi bud's

    I've made a few logons today, I was bored almost to death so I just had to do something and came up with this.
    are not entirely satisfied, think it's something missing in a way.

    I was a little quick with this thread too, had forgotten that there are yournumbr1fan who had made ​​this interface that I have used
    so all credit to him. I'm real sorry i had forgot this yournumbr1fan, hope u can forgive me someday
    lots of creds to your numbr1fan for making this.

    Well, lots of creds to submicron for wallpapers
    link to original walls:


    Last edited by designfjotten; March 31st, 2012 at 06:14 AM. Reason: link to submicron @ DeviantART


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