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    gor17981 is offline
    War is my shephard!

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    My opinion would be start from the taskbar, you can find the images for that here,

    Taskbar & System Tray > TaskBar > Aero > TaskBar > BackgroundBottom , = section 1 of image below,
    Taskbar & System Tray > TaskBand > Aero > TaskBand > BackgroundBottom, = section 2 of image below,
    Taskbar & System Tray > System Tray > Basic > Horizontal > TrayNotify > Background, = section 3 of image below,
    Taskbar & System Tray > TaskBar > Aero > Show Desktop Button > Button, = section 4 of image below,

    You will noticed that most images are signifigantly smaller than they appear in a theme,

    Take section 2 of that image for example, you can use the Sizing parameters to Stretch or Tile the image, Tiling is better for images with patterns, Stertch is better if there is no pattern.

    As you can see in this picture, the Sizing Parameter is set to Tile, and the Sizing margin is set to 0, 0, 33, 2, (Left, Right, Top, Bottom)

    If you change the left and right numbers, to say 10, 10, 33, 2 for example, then the first 10 pixels on left and right of the image would not be tiled (or stretched).

    Hope this helps some.

    Theme i used for this example is M-Class by Mr Grim.

    I should of used one fo mine, but this one was close at hand, and what im using at the minute. ..But feel free to open up one of my themes and mess about.
    Last edited by gor17981; June 21st, 2012 at 08:59 AM.


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