ok this is a weird thing and im not sure if anyone knows the answer on vc but thought i would ask..

so my pc has a native resolution of 1366x768 i run my hdtv as my monitor through hdmi. I had in the past just resized wallpapers to 1366x768 so i could use them. but recently i started making my own wallpapers in photoshop and i was making them at 1920x1080 so i could share them here on vc in a friendly resolution.. funny thing is they were all displaying correctly on my pc with no overscan problems.... that is until i was online today and saw a wallpaper i wanted to try.

normally i would right click and save as.... but the site was broken for downloads but it gave me the option to set as desktop so i did.. it was a 1080 wallpaper i think now none of my 1080 wallpapers display correctly anymore..... WTH? does anyone know why this happened? i hate resizing wallpapers just to fit my screen... i just dont understand why they worked fine before and now not at all. I have tried resetting my pc and changing the resolution back and fourth.. still 1920x1080 wallpapers no longer display correctly... weirdest thing ever... i was displaying 1080p wallpapers for over a week and changed them multiple times daily since i was making them like crazy. i dont know why they displayed correctly in the first place but now i really dont know why they wont display correctly after choosing set as desktop while online.

can anyone explain so i dont have to go back to resizing every wallpaper i get?