First of all, I would like to thank you for reading this post.

Virtual Customs, I can't believe how much this website has changed my life. It's true. There are so many things that I could say about Virtual Customs, but in order to truly express how I feel I am going to separate this into three sections.

1. The people: Truthfully VC wouldn't be the awesome website it is, without it's awesome members. I'd like to give a big thanks to all the moderators/admins/and others who maintain and contribute to this excellent website. I've never had anyone give me a negative response, seriously on every thread I've posted on all I have received is positive encouragement and answers. And this just makes me feel welcome, something you always can't feel on every website. There is some serious brother/sister(hood) to be had with all of our members. So thank you everyone for being so nice and welcoming. I used to be a member of a huge gaming community called IGC The reason I left is because of false accusations brought up against me due to bad sportsmanship from one of the ADMINS! I'm glad that this will never be an issue due to the maturity and respectfulness I feel here.

2. The Interface: One of the things I've had problems with on other forum-sites and such is that the user interface isn't as friendly or professional, which is a major issue on sites that require such aspects. I've never experienced one problem with this website and I'm glad that I can call this my homepage. The real thing I appreciate is that regardless if you are new or you have been here for years, it's easy and fast to make a good looking and informative post.

3. The Talent: This goes without saying. The people who post here are the cream of the crop. I've never seen such talent from any other group of individuals. I'm so glad that I visit this website anytime I can.

Well that's what I have to say about Virtual Customs. Please tell me what you like or how you feel about VC. Thanks.