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Thread: I'm trying to create a theme from scratch, using Window's Aero... can't find any info

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    Lone Fox is offline
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    I'm trying to create a theme from scratch, using Window's Aero... can't find any info

    I have sucessfully downloaded visual styles and installed theme, but I want to make my own from scratch.

    I have modified someone elses style (a little), so I kind of know what to do.. errr

    But now I really want to get into it, and create my own theme.

    My first goal was to simply remove the user account picture on the start menu and resize the place listings (remove the space left); I have successfully done this!! (I cant post links to show you )

    Problem is, how can I install it?
    If I restart my computer, or switch themes and switch back to that theme (pictured) then it changes to a classic windows theme and all my minor modifications are gone.

    I am using Win7 Style Builder, and exported 'all' to a StyleHack file, which creates a .msstyles file.

    How do I create a theme that I can install with lets say Theme Manager? I want to be able to see the theme in my Control Panels theme manager and choice it, just as if I downloaded the custom Visual Style from someone else.

    What's the difference between a .msstyles file and a .theme file?... yeah, I'm a noob

    I'm trying to figure this out, there aren't any good tutorials on how to make a theme from the Aero theme (not simply editing someoens theme). Eventually I want to move on to modifying other areas, but I can't even create the files to install it.. not sure if that makes since.

  2. #2
    8pecxstudios is offline
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    Hi Welcome To VC And Glad You Have Chosen To Make a Theme Becuase You Have Come To The Right Place...

    Here Is A Link To Windows Style Builder Video Tutorials...

    And A Link To The Main Tutorial Area Witch Will Provide All Other Usefull Info For You...

    Hope Thats Of Help And Look Forward To Seeing Your Progress
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  3. #3
    razorsedge is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lone Fox View Post
    I have sucessfully downloaded visual styles and installed theme, but I want to make my own from scratch.

    I have modified someone elses style (a little), so I kind of know what to do.. errr

    But now I really want to get into it, and create my own theme.

    My first goal was to simply remove the user account picture on the start menu and resize the place listings (remove the space left); I have successfully done this!! (I cant post links to show you )

    Problem is, how can I install it?
    If I restart my computer, or switch themes and switch back to that theme (pictured) then it changes to a classic windows theme and all my minor modifications are gone.

    I am using Win7 Style Builder, and exported 'all' to a StyleHack file, which creates a .msstyles file.

    How do I create a theme that I can install with lets say Theme Manager? I want to be able to see the theme in my Control Panels theme manager and choice it, just as if I downloaded the custom Visual Style from someone else.

    What's the difference between a .msstyles file and a .theme file?... yeah, I'm a noob

    I'm trying to figure this out, there aren't any good tutorials on how to make a theme from the Aero theme (not simply editing someoens theme). Eventually I want to move on to modifying other areas, but I can't even create the files to install it.. not sure if that makes since.
    Hi Bud we have lots on the site to help you with that.

    First there is a video tutorial on using windows style builder here I have done to help ppl out

    there is also dave seniors tutorial all about wsb locations here

    I have added a link at the top of Daves first post so you can download the whole guide in pdf format

    we also have a whole section on wsb here

    along with a wsb help section

    As for your questions the difference between a theme file and a msstyle is the theme file is what you computer uses to apply the theme the file u would see in your personalization window

    the msstyle is what contains all the images properties and so forth that windows applies to your computer and what the .theme file when clicked will direct windows to so it can apply the theme.

    As for doing a theme from scratch its the same as in the vid tutorial I have shown above if your not modding a style and doing from scratch the only difference is you have to add in all of the properties as u need them but it's the exact same thing. Building from a base aero style is very tuff even for ppl like us who have been doing it for quite a while and for that purpose you wont find a better tut then Dave Seniors for all the locations.

    The problem with doing a complete tutorial from starting with an aero theme is the fact that your looking at a good 20 something odd hour tutorial or more there is just way too much to cover in wsb to do up a video tutorial of that magnitude

  4. #4
    Lone Fox is offline
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    But maybe my question wasn't clear enough. I do not want to use ANY themes I find online; don't get me wrong, there are some nice ones (unlike Windowblinds), but I basically just want to modify the default Windows Aero theme - at a later date I may try to really get into it, but for now I just want to use the Aero theme with some slight changes. Sorry, I don't like all these hacked themes. I've tried Windowblind themes before, and there was always some minor issue with theme, so I just want to stick with the Aero theme.

    My point is, I created a theme in StyleBuilder but for the life of me can not figure out how to "export" it and get it to install as if I downloaded it. This is all I want to do for now - I want my Aero modified theme to show up in the Control Panel theme manager and choose it. I want it to work every time I restart my computer and close StyleBuilder.

    How do I do this? Do you guys use Theme Manager, because thats what I used to install a couple themes (I have version 3.1.1).

    Basically, how can I copy the default Aero theme to modify it myself?

  5. #5
    _alex_ is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lone Fox View Post

    But maybe my question wasn't clear enough. I do not want to use ANY themes I find online; don't get me wrong, there are some nice ones (unlike Windowblinds), but I basically just want to modify the default Windows Aero theme - at a later date I may try to really get into it, but for now I just want to use the Aero theme with some slight changes. Sorry, I don't like all these hacked themes. I've tried Windowblind themes before, and there was always some minor issue with theme, so I just want to stick with the Aero theme.

    My point is, I created a theme in StyleBuilder but for the life of me can not figure out how to "export" it and get it to install as if I downloaded it. This is all I want to do for now - I want my Aero modified theme to show up in the Control Panel theme manager and choose it. I want it to work every time I restart my computer and close StyleBuilder.

    How do I do this? Do you guys use Theme Manager, because thats what I used to install a couple themes (I have version 3.1.1).

    Basically, how can I copy the default Aero theme to modify it myself?
    As Masters pointed, as beginner as i am, i suggest you to follow their messages, creating or modifyng a theme is not a walk in the park, and yes you can modify the original Aero.msstyle file, make a copy before replacing it.

    Following The Dave Senior guide you'll find all answer to your questions, for something is not there, in VC you'll find a lot of skilled members that can help you!

    Have a Nice day

  6. #6
    razorsedge is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lone Fox View Post

    But maybe my question wasn't clear enough. I do not want to use ANY themes I find online; don't get me wrong, there are some nice ones (unlike Windowblinds), but I basically just want to modify the default Windows Aero theme - at a later date I may try to really get into it, but for now I just want to use the Aero theme with some slight changes. Sorry, I don't like all these hacked themes. I've tried Windowblind themes before, and there was always some minor issue with theme, so I just want to stick with the Aero theme.

    My point is, I created a theme in StyleBuilder but for the life of me can not figure out how to "export" it and get it to install as if I downloaded it. This is all I want to do for now - I want my Aero modified theme to show up in the Control Panel theme manager and choose it. I want it to work every time I restart my computer and close StyleBuilder.

    How do I do this? Do you guys use Theme Manager, because thats what I used to install a couple themes (I have version 3.1.1).

    Basically, how can I copy the default Aero theme to modify it myself?
    Hi Again

    The very first thing you have to do is patch your system to use 3rd party themes with universal theme patcher this has to be done because any theme you make in windows style builder is considered a 3rd party theme ms locks the operating system to only use themes that you get from ms themselves as in the ones that came with your computer so you need to patch the system first to use other themes or you won't be able to make any you can find universal theme patcher here that is a silent installer so just double click and it will patch the theme files for you.

    Ok bud if it's the base aero theme you want to mod the very first thing you need to do is go into c drive/windows/resources/themes and go to the aero folder you see in there copy it and paste it somewhere else in your computer my documents or my pictures whatever place you like.

    After you have done that open wsb and select up top open then in the box select open existing visual style, and navigate to the msstyle in the folder you just made the copy of. The reason for this is you cannot edit the aero theme just as it is when wsb first opens as that theme is the one thats currently being used by your computer so while it's in use you won't be able to modify it. You don't export the msstyle you need to have on in a place on your computer to modify.

    When you copy the aero folder you will also need to rename the folder and the msstyle inside to something else you won't be able to have the same name aero because windows already has that theme in the resources theme folder so it needs to be another name.

    Then you proceed to edit the msstyle in the folder with the modifications you want and save it at that time you can click apply with wsb to apply the visual style but what you need to do after is. go to the c drive/windows/resources/themes and copy into there the folder with your msstyle in it then copy the aero .theme file in there to somewhere again and after you do that rename the aero.theme file to the same name that you picked for you theme example you called your msstyle mikes.msstyle you name the theme file to mikes.theme.

    then open up that .theme file in notepad ++ or note pad and edit in the theme file where you see it say aero to the name u used as stated above like if it was mikes you would change where it says aero to mikes.

    after doing that copy the .theme file you edited again to c drive/windows/resources/themes and put it in there then open your personalization window you will see the theme whatever you named ir (mikes theme ) and select it and it will now be applied and be the theme your using.


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