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Thread: Embedded YouTube Video Tearing and poor quality Issues

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    Mr GRiM is offline

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    Embedded YouTube Video Tearing and poor quality Issues

    Not sure if any of you have noticed but the embedded video seems to look choppy and seems to tear when you scroll the page, Vern has mentioned it to me the last few days and the following is what I found out and thought it may help some of you others experiencing the same issue using Firefox.

    This problem does not happen on Chrome but did notice it on IE as well


    Hey i'm noticing some of the you tube vid being cut off on the right side if they are wrapped with the 720 tag the site cuts about a 1/3 of the vid on right side off where the 360 and 420 tags you can still see the buttons on right side of the taskbar (go to youtube,watch fullscreen) are missing at that size or at least on my monitor they are.

    I seen it too mate, I even noticed it on the YouTube site though mate and I think it's something they have changed at their end

    OK after a bit of research I found out that Flash player is the problem, it was a recent problem with the latest update of Flash player, going back to an earlier version help but it still doesn't look perfect, I uninstalled it and youtube video still works but it uses HTML5 instead and the embedded video problem is completely fixed, I think they are going to kill of flash pretty soon anyway, I think they are making the push towards HTML5

    Alternative Solutions:

    I uninstalled the latest version of Flash with this uninstall utility:
    Then reinstalled Flash 11.2
    Problem went away. I guess the newest version of Flash is to blame?


    The Uninstall utility works very nice and the older version does seem better but removing Flash seems to work best, also seen mentioned that disabling hardware acceleration also seems to work for some.
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    Last edited by Mr GRiM; August 29th, 2012 at 03:02 PM.

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