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Thread: The Grass Is Greener On This Side

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    Smile The Grass Is Greener On This Side

    Attachment 59498

    ....I mean on the Windows 7 side.

    As some of you saw my postings of yesterday of my Windows 8 setup (I also posted a screenie at DA), y'all know I had myself another fling with the new OS.
    Fixed her all up, nice and perdy......

    But, alas, my 2nd fling with Win8 is now over like that relationship I had in Jr High with the really psycho pill-poppin gal. Over. O.V. Done and Gone.
    I'm on to better thangs!

    Don't get me wrong, I did like some of the cool features of Win8, and most of the good stuff I said yesterday about it I still mean. But, it just wasn't my cup of tea, man.
    So, I re-installed my wonderful, faithful Win7.....and now we're gonna get married. No more flings with that sl-t Windows 8.

    If you have to do all this crap to it, like trying to get the start-menu back, the Win7 type explorer buttons, etc., then why not just stay with Win7 to begin with, right?!
    Plus, I am in NO WAY cool with all the ways MS and Big Brother can use W8 to SPY on me! Having to sign-in with my MSN account was a red-flag in itself, but then
    I notice that I have an extra network-drive called ""....and inside this drive are copies of every picture and video on my personal computer!!!!!
    WHAT???!!----Now I don't do a lot of naughty stuff on the computer, or the Internet. But still, HELL NO. I don't like that noise; not knowing whether I'm sharing pics and
    whatever with the world. I don't want just anybody having pics of me and Yvonne, pics of other family & friends, my videos, etc. Who knows what weirdos could do with
    your personal stuff! I already have this nut at DA who has created several different accounts there just to leave vulgar and insulting messages on my page. Has issues with
    me and everyone else here at VC.
    Of course I block the guy every time, and report him (what good that does).
    But, like I say, I just don't like the way MS designed Win8 to be so obscure in the myriad ways that the OS handles all these darned "social" apps and networks, most of which
    run full-out by default on 8. Location-finders for your local weather, Facebook feeds, MSN contacts, etc.,.....etc. Just to name a few.
    I'm a firm believer that the powers-that-be (government, not just US but global---and huge giants in the private sectors) data-mine Facebook and all the other "social" networks.
    To spy, simply put. To invade our sanctums. To have power over all people, to control. Yessiree, don't kid yourself: We live in a VERY wicked world, one that's getting worse
    by the second. Some countries monitor their citizen's online activities, we all know that. But some countries, like the USA (who try to convince us that live within its borders that we
    are "free"---what a crock), some of these governments in the West are more subtle and sneaky about it. They partner with big giants like Microsoft, infiltrate them, fund millions
    and billions of $$$ to them, and use them, and many of the products they sell unsuspecting people, use them to gain more and more control over the individual.

    So----at least with Win7 I'm a LOT more adept at shutting off certain services I don't like, more skilled at maintaining at least SOME privacy. No more Win8 for YN1F.
    And who says Win8 is faster than Win7???----That's a crock. Win7 does everything faster than Win8. Heck, you can't even get most of your favorite programs to run on Win8!!
    I spent almost 2 hours just trying to find a compatible antivirus software! My Trend Micro wasn't compatible. As many of my programs were not.

    My Win7 desktop is back tonight, all fixed up again, and I'm happy about that. I have the utmost respect for you guys who are learning to skin the new OS. You are artists, it's what
    you love to do. And some of the themes are outstanding for sure, like Grim's new HUD theme FOR 8. My hat's off to you guys. Just be careful with what you say and do on the Windows 8 machines.
    Last edited by YourNumbr1Fan; November 12th, 2012 at 10:22 AM.


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