Ladies and Gentleman, i proudly present you StartIsBack, version 1.0!

Short story: I've reinstated Windows 7 start menu without using any files from win7 and it's awesome. No Ex7forW8 limitations.

Long story: There is a problem with Metro on desktop. In fact, there are many:
- Removed Start Menu and other UI and voiding existing Windows skills and muscle memory
- Touch paradigm works bad for mouse
- Metro multi-tasking is breaking usual workflow and can be very annoying on desktop
- New Start Screen is not so cool and quickly becomes a mess unless you keep it clean, which is hard

So i've took the chances and i'm rethinking Win8 / Metro interface. That's what i've done:

Restored Desktop to its place With StartIsBack, computer starts to desktop. Always. Unlike other tools, which 'skip' Metro by sending keypresses, StartIsBack loads Metro alternative way and keeps it in its place.

Restored Windows 7 Start Menu and Start Button There are tons of start menu clones (check the thread here), but they're all inferior. StartIsBack restores original Windows 7 start menu (with very special magic). It's NOT a replica, it's 100% original Start Menu as you remember it, with search, drag&drop, customization, etc. Start Menu is shown on Win key, as you expect. Start button is behaving as you remember it.

Disabled hot corners By default, all but charms hot corners are disabled. You can customize which corners to show on desktop. And this works better than in any start menu clones i've tried.

Modified Start Screen Now, we have Start and Start. Start Menu and Start Screen. Both search and start programs. Isn't that schizophrenic? So! Start Screen is no longer Start Screen. It's Apps Screen and shows only Metro programs (optionally). This way, Metro and Desktop experience are separated and Start screen is just a launcher for funny Metro apps, while real work and programs run in Desktop.

Also not in your startmenu replacer No extra services running, no extra processes running, no files patched, no admin rights required, fully translated into your language.

Additional features
* You can close Start Screen with Alt-F4
* F3 on desktop launches standard search
* Press Ctrl+Win to invoke Start Screen (configurable)
* Choose start button orb from thousands of alternate ones
* Use msstyles with natively skinned start menu

So that's how i make Windows 8 desktop better.

Now, let's discuss and try beta. Rules for this topic:
* No Metro flamewars
* No off-topic
* No whining 'please restore this function from win7'
* Constructive concepts are welcome

You can contact me startisback at gmail dot com


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