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Thread: The 8 Project

  1. #1
    2635599 is offline

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    The 8 Project

    Quote Originally Posted by razorsedge View Post
    Weird issue to say the least the digi singed ones worked ok for both of us here but seems some have issues with them so Toady went back to the other version instead that works for everyone

    I am going to have to snicker at you though using win 8 huh setting it up to see if u like it I thought all your posts said you would never use that os what happened

    I still don't see too much of a point in that os again my opinion of course but the only people that it works better for is the ones with older hardware which I thought would be the ones that would like it better as its more win 98 looking if you dont have a powerful computer single cores or not a lot of ram I could see it being better then 7.

    Those of us that have quads or even duals with 8 + gigs of ram and good graphics cards though those are just being wasted with win 8. I had a few times done more tests with my bud when we initally benchmaked win 7 and win 8 on installs that new boot system of win 8 is more like a hybernate then a fast boot and does not really work on restarts either if u have that faster boot enabled it hangs most of the time when restarting the computer taking twice as long to boot. I honestly find it much slower with applications then win 7 is plus most of the hacking that ppl do to get it to look like win 7 which I do find kinda funny as to why make the switch if u have to hack ur way back to a win7 looking machine not to mention most ppl making bucks by selling the software needed to hack back the desktop and most of what I have seen and been posting in the win 8 section I happen to notice the stuff that lets u customize the os u have to pay for as well kinda makes me laugh a little

    Then on top of it most of the customize stuff gets knocked off everytime win 8 has updates so u end up having to do it all over again. I will never understand why ms just does not give us choices of what to use instead of forcing on us what they want us to use I been asking for that since the xp days who are they to say if I should use glass or not . Could they not have just added an option where u could put a tick in or take it out to have aero enabled or disabled how hard would that be . As normal though ms has to rush out their buggy os excpect us the end user to figure out what the bugs are so they dont have to make us do all they legwork and not get paid for it either

    In the end I still say they said aero looks tired and dated but the standard 8 lokos like windows 98 which was an os that was made almost 2 decades ago I cant even say it looks like xp as xp was not all flat and 2d like win 8 is how is that considered modern ui
    yeah i don't blame you for snickering i would to, but i'm only doing this more for something to do. i work for two companies online and right now work is a little slow because of the holidays(luckily same pay) so i decided to see what i can do with 8. remember it's only in vm. what i'm setting up is as follows.

    classic boot, auto logon, land on the desktop first(with startisback), hack charm bar to include computer and my three most used folders, move charm bar to the leftside(still looking for a hack for this), when in metro only my social feeds, im, computer, network, admin tools, etc... as titles, and of course hacking the themes and making it look a little better. i put this here in case peeps want to make suggestions on programs to use. as for a lot of what you posted for tweaking 8 being paid i think you might want to read under my sig.
    Last edited by 8pecxstudios; December 18th, 2012 at 12:37 AM. Reason: :)

  2. #2
    valentineLA is offline
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    I have windows 10, is there a difference between 8 and 10


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