Hi guys!
I need help with rounded scrollbar, it seem that it's nearly impossible to make it truly "right" way, as cool as Mac or something, for Windows.

It's best i could do so far:

Here's it's usual look:

Here's it's slided look:

What i don't like is that when you slide it up or down you got this artefacts on the edges (of course, that's due LowerTrackVertical just shrinks when slider is near edge...):

Maybe someone would sugest some cool way to avoid this?
Is is possible to probably shift LowerTrackVertical a bit down, and UpperTrackVertical a bit up (so they would be sort of background for scroller), and then make scroller's background trasparent, so that it would just lay on those tracks.
Damn it wound be cool to have MiddleTrackVertical and Scroller with transparent background above it!