I just recently upgraded [due to laptop failure] to win8. I'm use to customizing my win7 themes to the fullest ie start orb, logon screen,taskbar,window interior color, bar color,icons, dock skins,windows basically making uber themes. So on transfer to win8 I've been looking for programs or tutorials on how to mod the taskbar to well, like Mr. Blade's win7 themes look like but I've come up with little to nothing for anything on win8 customization. To me to customize is like crack so to not have my "fix" I'm going right all crazy. All I have found are slim versions and the same 8 themes floating around the net. Have they released how they modded win8 to make those themes or is it a secret? My themes now are looking like crap tbh because I do dark themes and to have a sick HD setup for the wallpaper and rainmeter and such but then to pop up this blinding white interior window just makes me want to cry and it doesn't help my eyesight much either. I was hoping someone may have programs to mod win8 to make fully custom themes or at least make the block based windows change to a specific color other than the crap microsoft like to call colors.

Post Note:
I really hope it doesn't take a year before good mod tools come out to mod win8....I might just die.