Hi everyone

while getting my icon pack and such finished for my os here I stumbled across an old note I left for myself that i totally forgot about for an easy way to change your windows 7 logon screen without using any 3rd party software one way is with a registry tweak another is without even registry tweaks and very simple I will explain both methods here.

First non registry tweak method

This method is simple first thing you have to do is go to your themes folder in C:\Windows\Resources\Themes

select the theme you are currently using ( .theme file )

at the top of the theme add in this line


as shown in the pic below

Now go to following folder:


Create a new folder called info inside oobe folder. Then again create a new folder called backgrounds inside info folder

Now copy any desired wallpaper to this new backgrounds folder the following conditions must be followed:

  • The image name must be backgroundDefault
  • The image format must be JPG
  • The image size must be less than 256 KB

That is all you have to do I just added this method myself to my own os and works like a charm also unlike the images in the imageres.dll where the logon images are located and only have a few different formats such as 1900x1200 where my res is 1920x1080 you can make your image in the oobe folder to the exact resolution of your monitor so it is not stretched or cut to fit your resolution size.

Second method registry tweak

with this registry tweak your can set the value in your registry to do the same as above but instead of adding the line in your theme file you are changing the same value that the string points too in the .theme file directly in your registry.

your would first need to dl this registry tweak and merge it into your computers registry by right clicking it and selecting merge

Change Logon Registry tweaks.7z
after merging the registry tweak just follow the steps as I mentioned above I will list them again for you

Now go to following folder:


Create a new folder called info inside oobe folder. Then again create a new folder called backgrounds inside info folder

Now copy any desired wallpaper to this new backgrounds folder the following conditions must be followed:

  • The image name must be backgroundDefault
  • The image format must be JPG
  • The image size must be less than 256 KB

Again your done and your change your logon background easily whenever you like

Honestly I can't believe I forgot about this simple method saves me editing the images in my imageres.dll like I would normally do