I am making a signature for a friend, but I have come across a hurdle. Basically, I am trying to make it looks as though something is hoovering something else up (by request).

Now, I have my two layers; the hoovering object, and the stuff getting hoovered. I have the hoover (not an actual hoover) animation down to a T, but I can't seem to make the other layer disappear as though it was being hoovered up.

I thought about making a separate timeline, and sort of 'syncing' them. I abolished this idea when I realized I was unable to make a separate timeline on the same project (I might be wrong).

I then thought of deleting the pixels along with the hoovering object. I thought this would give me the desired effect. It seems I was wrong. The pixels were permanently deleted, never to be seen again.

I tried posting a link to show my work so far, but since I am but a mere noob, I was unable.

I am brand new to CS6, and all design for that matter, so please bare this in mind before chuckling away to yourselves about my incompetence .

Any help on this matter would be greatly appreciated. The project was started as a learning curve. I have learnt much about timeline animation along the way, and I am really enjoying learning. For this reason, I am not looking to be spoon-fed. Just a point in the right direction would be fantastic. It is day three now, and I still haven't thought up a way to do this. Now is the time to seek help.

Please and thank you.